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His chin rested on my shoulder. “I’m one step closer to having you in my bed every night. Of course, I’d rather you move in now.”

Facing Jaxson, I kissed him. “Won’t that confuse Ty?”

Before he could answer, Dad’s phone vibrated on the counter. “Can you get that, punkin’? Ty’s helping me shave.”

“Sure thing.” As I picked up the phone without looking, I looked at Jaxson with mock horror on my face. “I hope Dad knows what he’s doing.”

A smirk with that sexy grin showed me how happy Jaxson was as I answered the phone. “Hello. This is London McNally answering for Ken.”

“London. Thank God. I’ve been trying to reach you. No one will give me your number.” The blood drained from my face at Charles’ voice. Why was he trying to reach me? A once soothing voice now only brought dread. All the anguish connected with my past came rushing back.

Jaxson sensed something was wrong as he held me tighter and mouthed, Who is it?

“London, are you there?”

The sandpaper lacing my throat made it hard to talk. “Why are you calling my dad, Charles?”

Another female voice sounding like Rachel was in the background and spoke. “Darling, Mom and Dad arrived. Your parents have to stay in DC for two more days.”

Charles muffled the phone. “I’ll be right out. This is the endorsement for the candidacy.”

More lies.

I wasn’t able to hear the response.


Dirty rotten bastard.

He was lying to his fiancée like he had me.

Anger burned through Jaxson as his muscles went rigid. He didn’t move as he watched me. I angled the phone for him to hear. “London, I’ve been wanting to talk to you. Explain some things. See where we stand. I fucked things up. I want to set it right.” He sighed. “I haven’t been able to get you out of my head since the day at my parents.”

I felt sick to my stomach. There was no part of me that wanted anything to do with Charles.

“London, don’t say yes to whoever you’ve met.”

My voice barely came out audible. “How did you know?”

“I saw him last week when he was here. London, don’t make the biggest mistake of your life. I’ve been trying to find you.”

I looked into Jaxson’s eyes. He watched me closely, and me him. The pulse thrummed in his neck. “Charles, I’ve already said yes. I love him. He’s my future.”

There was no need to talk about Rachel. Charles being engaged or not had no impact on my decision.

A smile spread across Jaxson’s face. In prison all I could imagine was Charles begging to get me back. Admitting he made a mistake. But, he wasn’t whom I wanted. Not anymore. In comparison, Charles was a dim light compared to the bright shining star in front of me.

“London, for fuck’s sake. You just got out of prison. Does he have any idea you killed someone?”

The phone was yanked from me. Jaxson’s face was steel as his equally matching cold tone spoke, “Charles, this is Jaxson McCole. You will not talk to my future wife that way. She’s made her decision.” He paused. “That may be true, but I have her future.” Through the line I could hear Charles’ voice raising, but I couldn’t make out what he was saying. “You’re a real piece of work. Of course, I know she was in prison and I love her. Nothing you say will change that, asshole.”

My fists balled. Charles had tried to ruin my relationship. As Charles was still speaking, Jaxson ended the phone call and crouched to look me in the eyes as I glanced away. “London, I love you. That bastard won’t change it.”

“I know.” I took a deep breath. “I hate that I can’t shout the truth from the mountain tops. That the past can still be thrown in my face. It hurts. Charles was never that mean. Not when we dated.”

“Because he had you.”

Dad walked out with Ty. “What’s going on?”

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