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“Jaxson, I don’t want to waste your money. I’m not here to cause havoc on your and Ty’s lives.”

My body spun around before I could process it. Jaxson’s firm body moved me against the wall, soliciting desire through me. “What’s mine is yours, London. All of it. Our house. Our money. Our son. Our decisions. You’re not cau

sing havoc on our lives. You’re the missing piece that sets it all right.”

I closed my eyes and his lips brushed against mine. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I fall more in love with you every second of every day.”

“Good. I’ll make sure that never changes.” His tongue mingled with mine and I moaned.

Tires came up the front drive and Jaxson pulled away. “Later, sweetheart.”

I kept my face serious. “Do you think I should stay in the guest room?”

Fingers trailed down my stomach and dipped in my pants. “Do you want to stay in another room?”

“It might . . .” I wasn’t able to finish my thought when his fingers touched my clit. “Jaxson . . . I want you.”

“Good. You’ll get me in our room.”

The door opened and his fingers retreated, leaving me wanting.

“London! I have a surprise for you.” Ty yelled through the front door. Giving me a wink, Jaxson headed to the foyer to give me a second to collect myself.

My word, was it bedtime yet? Taking a deep breath, I walked to where Ty called my name. I knelt down as Ty ran to me full steam ahead. “What do you have?”

A big grin greeted me. “Grama and I made cookies to welcome you to your new house. I made a card.” I took the card proffered and saw a picture of Jaxson, me, and Ty in the middle drawn in crayons. The word My Family were written at the top.

Emotions swelled within me. This was really happening.

Holding it to my chest, I said, “I love it. I’m finding the most special place for this so I can see it all the time.”

“Your’s and Dad’s bedroom. That’s where it should go. Then, when you wake up you’ll see it.”

Well, that solved my worry about the bedroom situation. In Ty’s mind we were together and I belonged with his dad.

“I think that’s the perfect place.” He gave me a kiss on the cheek when I agreed with him.

Pam walked up and I stood. “Night, sweetheart. I’m going to let you guys get settled. Call if you need anything. How does breakfast sound in the morning before Ken takes off?”

I responded, “Perfect.”

The subtle lavender scent of Pam already became a comfort. My mom always smelled like roses. It was amazing how you connected yourself to smells. I missed Mom terribly. She would have loved Jaxson and Ty. I could only imagine how she would help me get settled in my new home and give me tidbits of advice. Mom always wanted a big family but was only able to have me. Now her family was growing. I took a deep breath and focused on everything I had.

Jaxson gave his mom a hug. “Thanks, Mom. Breakfast sounds good. Security will be here at eight to rework the houses.”

“Perfect. I’ll let Levi and Ken know.”

We watched as Pam left the house. We were left alone. It was surreal. Okay, it was a lot more than surreal. Earlier, Pam offered for Ty to stay the night with her, but I thought our first night here as a family should include all of us. Jaxson agreed.

“Hey, London?”

Ty looked at me with his big green eyes. He was barely able to contain himself. “Yes, little man?”

“Can we watch a movie as a family?”

Jaxson picked Ty up over his shoulder as giggles emanated from him. “I think that sounds like a great idea. Which movie do you want?”

“Shaun the Sheep! London, it’s so funny. He’s a naughty sheep.”

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