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Jaxson called from the other room of the hotel suite as I put the last touches of makeup on. “London, are you almost ready?”

We were running ten minutes behind schedule. I texted Dad to let him know, since we were meeting him for the event. “Coming. It’s your fault I’m late.”

“That’s what you were doing a bit ago.”

“Jaxson!” I mock scolded from the other room and heard a laugh. It was true; Jaxson’s lips coerced me to stay in bed longer than I should have. But the rewards of his tongue were worth it.

Putting in my dangling earrings, I took a look at my elegant black dress that sparkled in the light with an underlying gray tone. A few wisps of dark hair framed my face. The theme color was black and gold this year. Pam and I found the dress in Denver. It was stunning.

The tall, black stilettos clicked against the marble tile on the floor as I made my way to the living room.

Jaxson paused as he put down the remote. “You take my breath away, London. Truly.”

I stood motionless as I gazed at the site of my husband dressed in a tux. His messy hair rumpled in a way that screamed sex.

A broad smile spread across my face. I walked up to him. “I sometimes can’t believe I have you as mine. All those years in prison, I never imagined—”

“Sweetheart, you deserve everything you have and more.”

Softly, I kissed his lips. “I love you so much.”

“And I’ll never stop loving you.”

Guiding me out of the room, we headed to the ballroom. Guests dressed to the nines were arriving as we stood in line to enter the room. As we stepped over the threshold, the smell of begonias filled the room; their petals sprayed with the theme colors. Dad waved to us and we made our way toward him. The beautiful gold-glittered black table dressing gave a royal feel. I felt like a princess in my dress. I remembered as a kid how much Mom always loved these charity events. I missed her not being here. I missed her not being part of my life and seeing the woman I was becoming. But, we sent videos for Dad to play for her when he visited.

Dad hugged me to him. “You look beautiful, punkin’.”

“Thanks, Daddy. I missed you.”

Whispering in my ear, he said, “I think marriage suits you.”

“I have to agree.”

The night proceeded with several speeches as well as videos from the year. Tender moments brought tears to my eyes as children overcame obstacles in their lives through the tender touch of a horse. Seeing the children light up while brushing the horses, riding them, and caring for them.

For a couple of summers before dancing took over my schedule, I spent time helping these children. It was near and dear to my heart. I smiled to myself as I thought about Sparkles putting on many a show for the kids on the opening day to help ease the apprehension of being around such a large animal. From time to time, with the more difficult cases, Sparkles was brought out to work with the children. It was something we did as a family. Mom baked treats for the kids after the lessons.

The memories were good ones I hadn’t thought of in a long time.

The announcer cued my dad to walk up on the stage. He greeted the audience, accompanied with a gentle smile. This year he was starting a scholarship fund in my mother’s name to help children who weren’t able to afford this type of therapy. The McCole’s already made a generous donation. Several children would get the help they desperately needed because of this.

The crowd applauded. He looked dashing as he waited for the cheers to calm down. I was unable to wipe the grin from my face.

This time last year, I wasn’t able to attend. Dad was alone. The thoughts were sobering with how far life had taken me.

Dad finished the speech and a classical song played by the three-piece band filled the air. I leaned in to Jaxson. “I’ll be right back. I need the ladies room.”

“Hurry. I want to dance with my wife. Then later, I want to take you to bed.”

Heat graced my face as Dad sat next to me. Quickly, I excused myself after giving him a congratulatory hug. With the crowd, it took me a bit to make it through as people remembered me from my days of involvement. Finally, I made it to the hallway where the restrooms were before my bladder exploded.


I stopped as unease slid down my spine.

My feet were rooted in place for a mere second before I remembered myself and whirled around at the familiar voice. The man I knew for many years stood in front of me. I wasn’t sure how I felt, but there were no feelings of regret or wishing he chose me like there had been—only confirming my feelings.

Stiffly, I greeted him. “Charles.”

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