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“I intend to.”

Charles nodded. “Let me know if you need anything.”

“We will. Same to you.”

He stood with his hand on the doorframe and looked back. “Know that I never stopped loving you, London.”

Without a response he left as a tear fell down my face. I took a few seconds and glanced toward Jaxson, teary eyed. “I don’t love him anymore. He’ll always have a special place in my heart with what we shared, but it wasn’t meant to be. I don’t regret him leaving me, because it led me to your arms. I only hate all the harm done to everyone.”

Knowing the truth soothed the wounds of the past despite all the pain it caused everyone.

Standing, Jaxson leaned over me and put his lips on mine. “London, I know you love me. You would have never have married me if there was doubt.”

I smiled

against his lips. “I’m glad you wised up since the last time we talked about this.”

He chuckled. “Me too.”

Ready for my bed, I asked, “When do I get to go home? Please tell me soon.”

“They said tomorrow, as long as everything looks good with the baby.”

The baby.

I was going to have another child.

“ARE WE CLOSE?” I WAS nearly about to come out of my seat with excitement.

“Almost. Then we’ll head back to my parents to give Ty his gift.”

We were in Jaxson’s truck heading to a surprise of some sort for me. I think it had to do with the packages he received the day of the accident. The anticipation of not knowing was thrilling. The road became bumpy and I assumed we were in a field of some sort. Jaxson’s hand was laced with mine over our baby.

A baby.

I was beyond ecstatic. Pam and Mallory were already ogling over all sorts of baby items and showing me ideas for the nursery. Ty suggested Dr. Seuss after his favorite book. Jaxson and I agreed it would be the perfect theme for a girl or a boy. I wanted him involved as much as possible.

It had been a week since being released from the hospital. My ribs were still bruised, so I had to take it easy, but I felt great. Tired but great, which was normal for the first trimester of the pregnancy.

I’d only been able to see one or two events of the McCole Classic, which was disappointing. However, Jaxson insisted on as much rest as possible.

Jaxson squeezed my hand, his voice full of awe. “I can’t wait to feel the baby kick.”

“Me either. I’ll feel better being able to feel the baby move.”

Since my body had gone through so much in the last week, I was worried something was going to happen. “Sweetheart, please don’t stress. We go to the doctor again tomorrow. The doctor said our baby was healthy.”

I looked down at my still flat stomach. “I know. I’m trying not to stress.”

Part of me was still reeling from all that had been revealed. The crazy lengths in which Caroline had gone to keep me from Charles. It was over the top. Crazy. News reports surfaced saying Caroline had been on psychiatric medicine that had a side effect of paranoia. She’d been on it for years and no one realized how far out of control she’d gotten. Charles was in a media shit storm. Charles Senior was being investigated. The engagement to Rachel had been called off, causing accusations to fly from her family. Rachel’s family was now being investigated.

At least Crystal was in prison with no chance of parole. That thought brought peace that she wasn’t lurking around a corner waiting to bring more chaos.

I mentally sighed. My heart hurt for Charles and all he was going through. Alone. I’d called a couple of times to check up on him. So had Millie and Dad. Jaxson was supportive and Charles never once stepped over the line with any comments. I think he was grateful for the friendship.

We needed to support each other with all that transpired. Only those affected truly knew how deep the scars ran. An innocence was robbed from all of us.

It was a double-edged sword with knowing Alec lost his life and I had found the love of mine. It was hard to wrap my head around it all.

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