Dissipate - Page 19

“Kenzie, are you home? I thought we could go get some ice cream to celebrate.”

I remained silent.


Brooklyn’s voice was closer and a light tap on my door sounded. Even breaths, Kenzie. My door creaked open, then shut a few seconds later. Remaining still, I laid in bed making sure I was alone.

Keeping the comforter over my head, but allowing light in from the side, I looked at the pictures. After each new image, tears fell harder down the sides of my face. The pictures ranged from all sorts of occasions.

My dad holding me over a cake with candles.

My parents kissing me at the same time on each cheek.

My dad and I taking a nap on the couch.

This had been my life. A life I knew nothing about. Delicately, my fingers traced over his face.

“Dad,” I whispered to the image. Even though I had no memory, I felt connected to this man. It was bittersweet having to lose Mom before I got a piece of my dad.

My mom had only told me my dad had passed to The Light at a young age. We were taught to not ask questions about those that had gone to The Light. It was a waste of energy for something that could not change.

Anger and irritation bubbled to the surface while my free fist clinched to the point my knuckles turned white. Mom had broken so many rules and yet she’d lied to me about certain aspects. Like The Society, it felt as though I only received partial truths. Same thing went for her teachings. Technology had been left out, but why? The pieces of the puzzle weren’t fitting together and I wasn’t sure they ever would.

I wanted to scream, cry, throw something, and demand answers all at the same time. My mom was gone and I’d never truly understand some of her decisions. Despite everything, I knew she loved me. Somehow she’d lost her way, but her love for me had always been true. I felt it in my soul.

There were some DVD’s. I wondered what they were. They were labeled with numbers. Laying the photos on the bed, I stared at them as my eyes blurred. Finally, emotional exhaustion took me under, and I hoped the black oblivion would give me peace.

LAUGHTER FROM THE downstairs awoke me from my sleep. It took me a minute to realize where I was, expecting my room back home. Home. That word was a double-edged sword these days with what all it had come to mean to me.

The photographs on the bed were strewn out beside me. Putting them in the top drawer and grabbing the rent money, I headed downstairs to see who else was here. It sounded like a guy. Rounding the bottom step, I froze. A guy in loose shorts and a T-shirt hoisted a large black rectangular box onto the wall.

“Oh there you are, sleepyhead!” Brooklyn called from the couch.

The guy turned and looked my way which had me momentarily stunned. He was the guy who mauled me over today on my way to the bank. Aiden. A heat involuntarily graced my cheeks as his blue eyes pierced mine. There was no doubt, the man was attractive, bringing a smile from me as he gave me a wink before finishing his task. The attention had me smiling before I remembered myself. Being close to an unfamiliar guy that wasn’t Matthew had me flustered and I looked everywhere but at Aiden.

The box. I’d focus on the box. I bet that was the television Brooklyn had talked about. Brooklyn typed something on her phone and thankfully missed Aiden’s gesture to me. Was winking considered forward? I had no idea, but needed to stop thinking about Aiden.

Turning my attention back to Brooklyn, I responded, “Yeah, I was exhausted after all of today’s excitement. Here’s the rent.”

Taking the money, Brooklyn stood and put it in her front pocket. “Aiden ordered some takeout that’s in the kitchen. We were about it eat if you want to join us.”

In protest, I shook my head. “No, I don’t want to intrude.”

“Don’t be silly. Aiden got plenty.” Brooklyn had that easy way about her that made you never feel like you were unwelcome.

Aiden clapped his hands together and looked at me. “All done.” My skin warmed at how long his gaze lingered.

Holding a rectangular stick, he pushed a button and people came to life on the screen. The vivid colors were amazing. Voices sounded and I took a step back, stunned at what came across the black rectangular box.

Aiden continued while running his hand through his black hair, “And it works too! I’ll hook up the DVD player before I leave tonight and show you guys how to work it.”

DVD player. I bet that would play those discs my mom had given me. Her letter had said DVD.

Clapping beside me, Brooklyn praised her brother. “Thanks, sweet brother. You have saved us from dying of boredom.”

Aiden chortled and I joined in, trying to take my eyes from the television as I watched two people skipping about.

Brooklyn grabbed my hand. “Oh, this is my brother. Aiden, Kenzie. Kenzie, Aiden.”

Tags: Kristin Mayer Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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