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Being alone was truly the only time I got to be completely unguarded. “I’m good. I put the rent check on your dresser. Let me know if you want me to mail it all out.”

“I’ll take care of it.” Brooklyn looked in the mirror by the door and adjusted her hair. “I’ll be home about midnight. Sleep tight”

As Brooklyn made it to the door, I called after her, “Have fun!”

Brooklyn closed the door and I was left alone. Tonight, I’d figure out my budget for what I had for winter clothes and maybe watch the videos of my dad again.

BROOKLYN BUSTED INTO my room as I sat cross-legged on my bed reading a book on modern day slang. Inconspicuously, I closed it and tucked it behind my back.

“Wakey! Wakey! Let’s get our day started! Wait, you’re already up? I thought for sure I’d have the drop on you this morning.” The disappointment had me laughing.

Work began at The Society at sunup. After nineteen years, it was hard for me to sleep in. “You know I’m an early riser.”

“You suck! What would you think about hitting the gym this morning before heading out?”

After looking at Brooklyn closer, she had on all her workout stuff. She liked working out a few times a week. People actually visited the facility to burn calories. It was an odd concept at first when she’d told me. The last thing someone at The Society would want to do is work out after the long hours of manual labor we put in every day.

It was time to check out the gym and experience wanting to get exercise. “Sounds good. I don’t have any workout clothes though.”

Beaming, Brooklyn leaned out the door, then came back in with a small stack of clothes and tennis shoes. “Here’s some I don’t wear anymore. I think they’ll fit you even though you’re a little smaller than me.”

Getting off the bed, I grabbed them. “Thank you. You really are too good to me.”

“Don’t be silly. You’d do it for me.”

Grateful, I took the workout clothes and made my way to the bathroom to change. These pants were definitely the tightest thing I had ever worn before in my life. Thank goodness the shirt was loose fitting. I tried to stretch the shirt out a little to cover more of my legs.

While I dressed, Brooklyn called through the door. “Last night, I spoke to my friend who does hair. If you’re interested, she said she could cut your hair at four. We could get all your clothes first.”

“Oh, perfect. I was hoping we could find someone.” Cutting my hair was something I desperately wanted to do. A new hairstyle for a new life. My hair was so long that it always had to be up or it looked drab and plain.

Brooklyn’s pleased voice sounded through the door again. “I’ll see you downstairs. I’m going to grab us some waters.”

Making sure everything was covered, I turned in the mirror. I wanted to throw sweats on top of what I was wearing.

Hesitantly, I moseyed downstairs. Brooklyn held her keys with two water bottles. “Oh good, they fit. They look great on you. Are you ready?”

“I am.” Though I wasn’t sure anyone should see what I was wearing.

We made our way to the gym as Brooklyn sang to the radio. Bopping my head and dancing with her, I let myself have fun.

The Hyper building was where the students exercised indoor on campus. Our tuition covered the fee, which was nice. I followed, more like jogged, after Brooklyn to the building and scanned my ID at the door. Brooklyn was on a mission as we quickly made our way somewhere.

“Hey Brooklyn, we forgot our water bottles. Do you want me to go get them?”

She shook her head. “We don’t need them.”

Apparently, there was another reason for our hasty visit. It probably had something to do with Mike as she grabbed my hand and dragged me down different halls.

Abruptly, she stopped at the corner looked around it, then faced me. “Do you want to hit the treadmill first?”

I had a feeling, even if I said no, I’d be hitting the treadmill anyway. “Sure. You’re acting weird. What’s going on with you?”

Giving me the most innocent smile ever, which meant she was definitely up to something, she said, “I’m here to workout. Let’s head over here.”

I rolled my eyes and followed her as I took in the room. The place was lined with all sorts of equipment. None of which I knew how to use. People were sweating with headphones in their ears and watching mounted televisions. They truly were working out for fun. I kept following Brooklyn to a machine that had a belt and a board with buttons connected to it. I followed her as she got on. This must be a treadmill.

“Okay, let’s start off with Program One.” Brooklyn showed me which buttons to push and the belt moved. “If you need to speed it up or slow it down, you hit these buttons. Are you ready to get your workout on?”

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