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“Of, course,” I responded.

Tasha winked and Aiden rolled his eyes. Heat flooded my cheeks as I thought about what she implied. As we returned back out to the office, we took our seats.

Leaning over, Aiden gave me a quick kiss and I opened my mouth in shock. Whispering, I scolded him. “Aiden, did you not hear what Tasha just said?”

His lips brush my earlobe and I wanted to be closer to him. “I won’t tell if you won’t.”

Scooting my chair back, I threw a pencil at him. “Focus. We have an interview to prepare you for.”

“If I’m good, will I get a kiss afterward?” Those puppy dog eyes were pitiful.

I couldn’t help the curve of my lips and turned on my computer. “Maybe. We’ll see.”

Aiden moved his chair back to his computer and we got straight to work. “Oh, I’ll be real good.”

Giggling, I wrote down everything he needed me to research.

“BROOKLYN, I’M HOME.” I called as I entered the apartment.

After getting approval for the interview questions from Tasha, I had gone to the library to use the internet for research. At some point, I hoped to be able to get a laptop. Brooklyn had offered to let me use hers anytime I needed, but sometimes I didn’t want her to see what I researched.

For instance, I’d searched

what it meant to ‘Rawr’ at someone. The answer was a sexually oriented version of the word roar. Yeah, I was at a loss. But urban dictionary had become my newfound friend.

Her and Mike came down the stairs. Brooklyn, dressed to go out, giggled. They were becoming inseparable. So far, Mike hadn’t stayed here yet.

Seeing me, Brooklyn stopped, then glanced back upstairs nervously. Something seemed off but she was always up to something. “Hey, we’re headed out to grab a quick bite to eat. We’ll be back later. Do you need anything?”

Starting for the stairs, I yawned. “I’m good. Thanks. You guys have fun.”

“We will. See you later.”


Aiden and I hadn’t made plans when I went to the library. So, tonight I was going to be home alone. First, I was going to change into my pajamas before I made pasta.

Trudging up the steps, I walked into my room and was stopped by the blanket spread out on the floor. Aiden closed the journal he used for the newspaper.

Hopping up, he came over and kissed me on my cheek. “Hey, there. I figured I’d surprise you with dinner. With our hectic schedules for the last couple of days, I wanted to make sure we got to spend some time together.”

Before me was a blanket with sub sandwiches and chips. “Aiden, this is so thoughtful. I didn’t think I was going to get to see you this evening.”

“I’m glad you like it. Let’s eat. I’m starved.”

Smiling, I set my backpack down and grabbed a sandwich.

Aiden spoke before taking another bite, “I was going over all the questions for Congresswoman Hannigan. I think we’re set.”

“I think so too. I talked to my boss at the coffee shop. She said it was fine if I left early. So, I’ll meet you outside Old Main by nine fifteen if that works.”

Aiden finished chewing his bite as I took one. I had been hungrier than I thought. “No, I’ll still pick you up.”

Since we had started dating, Aiden had been meeting me every day at the coffee shop to walk me to my first class. “You don’t have to. I’ll be fine.”

He shrugged. “I know. Before we dated, I wanted to meet you every day, but didn’t want to scare you. I like doing it.”

Tapping his foot to mine we slipped into easy conversation as we ate. Watching him move with ease had my body convincing my mind that I needed more than kissing. It was getting hard to focus and my legs had the instinctive need to push together in order to relieve a yearning I couldn’t describe.

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