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Dare to Tease (Dare Nation 4.5)

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“Got some money, pretty lady?” He came close enough for her to smell the alcohol on his breath.

She instinctively stepped back and fought to remain steady on her heels. Although a part of her was scared she was alone with him, another part felt bad. Who knew what circumstances led him to this point in his life? Still, she was torn between giving him money she feared might go for alcohol and turning him away. She opted to hope he used the cash for food.

She slid her purse down her shoulder so she could open it up and hand him money.

Taking her off guard, he grabbed for the bag. She jerked back, and her heels gave way. Her ankle twisted and she fell, her hands taking the brunt of her tumble as she slid, gravel digging into her palms and her hip hitting the ground hard.

The man bent over her, and she gasped, prepared to knee him in the balls if she had to, but before she could kick out, someone lifted the man by his jacket collar and pulled him away from her.

“Jimmy, back off,” a familiar voice said. “You’re scaring the lady.” Hudson’s brown eyes raked over her, concern etching his handsome features. “Are you okay?”

She nodded. “He just startled me.”

Jimmy shuffled his feet on the ground, unable to meet Hudson’s gaze. “I just wanted to help get the money she was reaching for.” He pulled at his dirty shirt, his hands shaking.

Hudson scowled, and Bri had to admit even that glower was sexy.

“Well, that’s not the way to handle someone offering to help you.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out cash, handing it to the man. “Go get something to eat and quit bothering our visitors or I’m going to have to call the cops.”

After grasping the cash like the lifeline it was, Jimmy walked away, muttering to himself, and Hudson turned his laser focus on her.

“Come on. Let me help you,” he said in a gruff tone.

She glanced at her palms and winced. “Can you grab my wrists and pull me up?”

His gaze zeroed in on her hurt hands, and that ferocious expression deepened. “Yeah. Reach up,” he said, but he glanced at her heels. “Kick those things off.”

“Please don’t leave my Louboutins.” She couldn’t believe she’d said that and blushed at the frivolous-sounding comment. “It’s just they’re a birthday gift from my mom.”

His eyes softened at her admission.

Instead of pulling her up, he bent down and lifted her into his arms. “Oh! The dress. I came to give it to Braden for Willow.” She pointed to the garment on the ground that, thank goodness, was covered in clear plastic.

“I’ll send Nikki back out to grab it.” He started toward the building, his hard body acting as a shield, protecting her from harm.

Not to mention, she inhaled how good he smelled, her face near his cheek, her hands laced around his neck, as he strode through the clinic entrance.

* * * *

Hudson held Bri close to his chest, his heart pounding out a rapid beat as he brought her inside.

He’d been doing paperwork in one of the back offices when the front receptionist called him to check out what was happening in the parking lot. It wasn’t a shock to see Jimmy harassing people for money. The man never meant any harm, and Hudson didn’t believe him to be violent, but seeing Bri on the ground had knocked the wind out of him.

Ignoring the arousing coconut scent of her hair tickling his nose and the feel of her supple body curling against him, he stopped at Nikki’s desk. “Can you please grab the dress that fell outside? Jimmy was giving her a hard time, and she scraped her hands.”

“Of course!” Nikki jumped up to head outside, and Hudson walked into a treatment room and placed Bri on the examination table.

Though reluctant to release her, he settled her and stepped back, looking her over from head to toe. Her dark hair fell around her shoulders, stray strands covering her cheeks.

He already knew her hands were in rough shape, but he wasn’t sure about the rest of her. “Talk to me. Are you okay?”

She nodded. “I don’t even know what happened. I went to give him money, he grabbed for my bag, and next thing I knew, I was on the ground.” She extended her hands, palms up. “This is going to hurt, isn’t it?”

He glanced at the abrasions and gravel stuck in the skin. “I’m afraid so, but I’ll do my best to be gentle.”

“I grew up keeping up with four brothers. I’ve had plenty of scrapes, and I can take it.”

He laughed at her serious expression. “I know you can. Let me get everything I’ll need, and we’ll get you cleaned up. Does anything else hurt?”

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