Absolution (Road Kings MC And Underworlds 1) - Page 16

“Yeah, exactly. But I’ve heard some of the story, and I heard the emotion in his voice when you were being operated on, so now I only want to shoot him in one of his nuts. What I want to know is where your head’s at with it all.”

I mulled over what he’d said, and as much as I absorbed the feedback on Taras’ reactions, I refused to apply them to where I was at with him now. To do that, I might lose the numb feeling I had for him, and I couldn’t afford for that to happen. It was just too late.

Clearing my throat, I tried to explain it. “We had a brief fling. I thought it was something it wasn’t, and when I found out the truth I went to stay with Lena for a while.

“I’d intended to stay there for at least a year, maybe even find a man there to live happily ever after with, but I found out I was pregnant and came home.” I trailed off, running the tip of my finger down Walker’s cheek.

“I thought it was something beautiful, but it was actually something ugly. From that ugly, though, I received the gift of two little humans, who are so amazing they make my heart hurt. So, the raw wound Taras left behind is now a distant memory.”

“You didn’t tell him about the babies?”

I didn’t feel great that I hadn’t, but I had better reasons than most. “I didn’t tell him for many reasons, but I would have eventually. He’s a high figure in the Fedorov Bratva, and that comes with enemies and wars. I’m not equipped to protect my sons by myself from those threats,” I began, but he interrupted.

“You have us protecting you all,” he growled angrily.

“I know that, and I know you’d never let anything happen to us, but you can’t be with us twenty-four hours a day, and the Fedorov enemies are crazy,” I explained, but his face didn’t lose the pissed expression.

“I also didn’t tell him because he was married. It’s a cliché for an ex to approach someone, saying they’re pregnant suddenly.

“Not knowing the circumstances surrounding the marriage, I didn’t want to cause problems in it, which could then lead to problems between that family and my own.

“You know what the marriage means, so you know full well there’s a code that has to be followed. Me breaking it would come with consequences for all of us. His kids are meant to come from her so they’re in line for the Pakhan position.”

He was about to say something when the door opened, and his mouth closed audibly, as both of us watched Taras walk into the room.

“Hunter,” he muttered, stopping to look at Hendrix with a soft look on his face. “He’s grown already.”

Looking between us, Hunter stood up and held the baby out to him. “I gotta go. I haven't slept for shit in over a week, so I’m gonna head home and crash. Call me if you need anything, Nell, yeah?”

I wouldn’t need anything, I rarely ever did or had since I was little and Mom died. Still, I gave my brother a strained smile and nodded, aware Taras was watching all of it closely.

With a lift of his chin, he muttered, “Later, Fedorov,” and then walked out of the room, leaving me alone with the man I wanted to stay as far away from as possible.

There was a long, tense silence after the door shut, but I managed to stay strong and not say anything as he looked between Hendrix and me.

Finally, he ruined it. “I’m sorry I didn’t call you, baby, but—”

“You don’t owe me any explanations at all,” I cut in, talking quickly. “You don’t even owe it to me to come here—something I’ve already made clear—so I think it's best we go back to the way it was for the last eight months.

“If you want an update on the boys, I’ll get Hunter to tell you, but,” I finally looked up at him and then said firmly, “as I’ve said before, you’re off the hook. I know you’ll feel like you have a duty and a responsibility to them, but that’s not the case.”

Unwisely, I continued talking even though the expression on his face should have been my warning to stop. “They have my last name, and I didn’t put you on the birth certificate, so no one will ever know. You’re free.”

He stared at me for a while, his mouth a firm line, not giving away his emotions, but the energy coming off him was almost suffocating.

I was just about to ask him to pass Hendrix over to me, when he held up the hand of the arm that my son wasn’t cradled in to stop me. “No, I think you’ve said more than enough. And all of it was bullshit.”

Tags: Mary B. Moore Road Kings MC And Underworlds Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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