Absolution (Road Kings MC And Underworlds 1) - Page 32

“I need to know where the laundry room is, malysh,” he chuckled. “Although, I wouldn’t say no to watching you get changed. Perhaps you need a hand?”

“It’s the room beside the kitchen,” I sighed, walking toward my room again. “I can get changed just fine on my own, thanks.”

I didn’t add that I wished it would be different and that he was the reason it wasn’t, though. What was the point? You can’t always get what you want, so you had to enjoy and appreciate what you had.

The two boys we’d made together were my focus now, and not even he could derail me from it.

Chapter Twelve


If you’d told me a month ago that I’d be sitting in Nell’s living room, folding clothes and sorting out stuff for our sons, I’d have called you a liar. It would be like every hope and dream I’d had since the night I’d met her had come true, whereas the harsh reality of my life was far from it.

Yet here I was, with the smallest piece of clothing I’d ever seen in my life in my hands.

“Why have you only just bought clothes, dorogoy?” I asked, placing it down and picking up another one from the small pile left to be folded.

“They’ve had clothes since I found out they were both boys, but the newborn ones are too big for them just now. These are premature and tiny baby ones.”

That made sense. Glancing over at the boxes of stuff she’d said needed to be unpacked, I frowned. “Did you have to buy a lot of new things for them?”

“Yeah, there’s different bottles, different pacis, special diapers, you name it. All the things I already had for them will fit soon, but they needed this stuff until they do.”

“Where did you get it from?”

I hadn’t paid attention to baby clothes and items before. When I’d bought them the things I’d bought to the hospital, I’d explained the situation to the lady and chosen from the selection available, without considering the difference between what I was looking at and what a normal new baby would wear.

“An online store that sells stuff for preemies. You can get some of it from larger stores, but it was easier to just get it all at once while I was ordering the other things they needed from the list the hospital gave me. I got free expedited shipping if I ordered over one hundred and fifty dollars, too.”

I’d seen the boys' nursery when I’d gone to the bathroom earlier, and although some of it was from the Club, I knew she had to have spent a lot of money herself. I also remembered the conversation she’d had with the nurse this morning about the things she had ready for them.

She’d already spent a lot of money, and now she’d spent more. The weight of the fact that I hadn’t contributed even one dollar toward my sons aside from their medical bills, which she didn’t know about yet, didn’t sit well with me.

I was about to tell her that from now on I was paying for everything, when my phone rang, the caller ID telling me it was Dmitri. Grabbing it up, I hit the screen.

Before I even said hello, he was talking. “Twenty minutes ago, a man tried to break into the nursery at the hospital. Our men stopped him, but they found a note with the names Walker and Hendrix Hamilton on him.”

Standing up, I stalked over to the windows, ensuring my men were still where they were meant to be.

“Son of a bitch,” I hissed, making sure to keep my voice as quiet as possible. I didn’t want Nell to overhear this and freak out and hurt herself even more.

“He’s being taken to the warehouse, brother. Will we see you there?”

Glancing over my shoulder at where Nell was sitting watching me worriedly, I muttered, “Give me an hour,” and hung up.

Before I could say anything to her, she stiffened. “Is everything okay?”

“Everything’s fine, malysh, but I have to leave to see to some business,” I reassured her as I walked back to where she was and squatted in front of her.

“I need you to stay where my men are, and if you don’t see one or someone from the Club, find a place to hide, and then either text or call me. Do you understand?”

Chewing on her lower lip with a frown, she nodded. “Are you sure it isn’t the boys?”

After my fuck up, I’d decided that I wouldn’t lie to her unless it was to keep her safe from now on.

This time it wasn’t a lie, so moving my face closer to hers so she could see the truth, I whispered, “The boys are safe, and probably fast asleep in their beds in the nursery or filling their bellies with milk.

Tags: Mary B. Moore Road Kings MC And Underworlds Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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