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Absolution (Road Kings MC And Underworlds 1)

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Eyeing him over, I tried to decide where to stick it while Dmitri moved over to stand beside me, doing the same thing.

“Testicles are boring and basic,” he mused. “What about in his side?”

“Mmm, not what I’m looking for.” I hummed as I moved closer to him. “No, I think I’m going to do it in his abdomen, near his intestines.”

“Nice one, but it might get messy.”

I’d only just pressed it up against the area I’d mentioned, when he croaked, “I’ll tell you.”

Taking a step back, I crossed my arms and waited.

Gulping in a breath, he closed his eyes. “I’m dead anyway, so I may as well. There’s an order out for the twin boys whose names are on the paper. Someone wants them, but they’re to be alive. I was going to put them in my bag and drop them off at the old gas station at the edge of town.”

“Who put the order out?”

“I don’t know. All I know is that there’d be a note in Russian for me there with where to find my money.”

This confused me. “You speak Russian?”

Shaking his head weakly, he explained, “Online translator.”

Glancing at Dmitri, I saw a frown on his face that probably matched my own. “And they wanted them alive, now that’s interesting. Who did you get the order from?”

“I didn’t see them, but they sent text messages to my phone.”

Taking the device from Zoran, who’d picked it up and brought it over, knowing I’d want to look, I clipped, “Password?”

“Two, nine, nine, one.”

Putting the numbers in, I went straight into the text messages and saw the one he was talking about. They were all a bunch of amateurs. Who sent a text message to someone leaving a trail, and who kept it?

Nodding to Dmitri to confirm he was telling the truth, I put the device in my pocket.

“Thank you for your help tonight,” I told him, and not waiting for any more from him, I walked over to where I’d dropped my jacket and shrugged it on.

Walking out of the warehouse with Zoran beside me, I’d just passed him the phone when there was the sound of a gunshot behind us.

Not breaking my stride, I gave the orders. “Trace the number and trace his number. I want to know who he’s called, when, and who called him. The number the order came from—”

“Fucking amateurs,” Zoran chuckled, echoing my earlier thoughts.

“I want everything you can get on it,” I continued, not laughing with him. “I also want to know what platform the person who put the order out on my boys used to do it. Once we know that, I want all the user's information from it, too. Tomorrow we’ll go over it all at the meetings, and it will give Vadim and Valka something to go on.”

I wasn’t worried about having the information by then. We had a large IT team who were the best and could get information on anyone and anything, even amongst all of the fucked up shit on the dark web. This would be easy for them.

“Got it,” Zoran murmured as we both climbed into the vehicle. Turning in his seat once the doors were shut, he told me news I didn’t want to hear. “While you were occupied, I received texts from Donna that she wanted to see you. She apparently needs to talk to you now, and if she doesn’t, she’s going to come to your house herself tonight.”

She could try, but she wouldn’t get in.

“I’m not in the mood to deal with her tonight. Tell her I’ll come over tomorrow.”

I wasn’t in the mood for whatever bullshit she was planning. After hearing what she’d set some of my men up to do, the shit with the guy tonight and knowing someone had ordered my sons to be kidnapped, and the fact there was someone killing people around me, she’d be unwise to fuck with me even more.

“Oh, and tell her if she goes against that, I’ll go to her father with that information she’d rather he didn’t find out about.”

Zoran smirked and raised an eyebrow at me. “Does she know what this information is?”

“I have an entire dossier on her in one of the safes. She doesn’t know what’s in it, but she knows it exists.”

There was a beep from the front of the car, and Zoran pulled his phone out, looking at the screen.

“That’s Yakov reporting in. Nell’s apparently in her bedroom, but after I told him what the asshole we just dealt with said, he’s called in another five men. She’s given him a key in case any of them need a piss or a drink, and wouldn’t take it back when he said it was okay.”

This was one of the many things I loved about that woman—her caring attitude that was backed up by stubbornness.

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