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Absolution (Road Kings MC And Underworlds 1)

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I paused and then added unnecessarily, “Our eyes never leave my sons or my woman, ever. And I want every man on her looked into.”

I glanced at Gustav, who was looking at me in the rearview mirror, his face expressionless as always, but I saw the confirmation and approval regardless before he looked back at the road. Zoran continued to type on his phone, but still nodded to confirm he’d make the order clear to everyone.

There was so much darkness to wade through, something that I was used to, but I finally had a light at the end of it waiting for me. I just had to make sure it stayed shining brightly.

I didn’t like not having the answers to keep everyone safe and not knowing what my ‘wife’ was up to. She shouldn’t know about the three centers of my world, but if she’d managed to get some of my men to turn for her, what Zoran was saying was correct. Me going to Nell’s might alter the plans Donna had set up—if she was involved—and we could miss our chance to stop her before one of them got hurt.

Just the thought of it had a pain shooting through my chest, and the anger I felt was different from anything I’d experienced before.

Chapter Thirteen


I’d woken up with a great idea this morning, and I knew exactly who to talk to about it.

So, on my way to see the boys, I pulled out my phone and rang the one friend I had that I knew I could trust with everything, Lena, and filled her in on my predicament.

“Honey, you know, I’ve not got much tying me to this place, so I can be with you by the day after tomorrow if you need me,” she replied, not questioning anything I’d told her, and surprising me with the offer to move across the country.

And this was why I loved her so much. I also wanted her here with me more than I realized now that the idea was out in the world.

“Are you sure? I can get you a job with the Club if you can’t make your modeling contract work from here, so you don’t have to worry about that. And my house is your house.”

“Nell, what you’ve just described to me is a southerner’s dream,” she snickered in her strong Kentucky accent. “I’ve been shooting guns since I could walk thanks to my Pawpaw, so you’ve got nothing to worry about.”

I burst out laughing at her comment. I wouldn’t dare say anything close to it being a southerner’s dream to her, but I knew firsthand how good she was with a gun and a rifle. And I missed the hell out of her.

“I’m so sorry to involve you in this,” I apologized once the laughter left me. “I know it’s a lot to offload on you, and there’s the twins—”

An impatient noise came down the phone. “Girl, I want to meet those babies more than I want to run away with Paul Walker, God rest his soul. I moved here to get away from the shit I had going on in life that brought bad memories, and now there’s—” she stopped and cleared her throat.

“Well, just trust me when I say that this isn’t an imposition, and you’re not involving me in jack shit I’m not willing to be involved in. Now, let me go pack and call my agent, and I’ll be with you tomorrow. Okay?”

I did a quick run-through in my mind of her place, doubtful that she’d be able to pack her stuff up and be here within forty-eight hours from Florida. Then again, she’d rented her apartment with all the furnishings included, so she probably could get it all done in a couple of hours.

“Thank you so much, Lena,” I whispered, leaning my head against the window, fighting back tears.

“All you’ve gotta do is let me get my fill of those precious boys, Nell. And I’ll be able to do it soon enough.”

And with that, I breathed easy for a moment. With the MC, Taras’ men, and Lena, my boys would be safe.

I’d also discovered last night that the small door I’d been told was an old cupboard no one had the key to was an old coal storage place, after I’d asked one of the men if he knew how to get into it.

Apparently, part of what’s required to make you a Bratva badass was a lock picking kit, so he’d got to work opening it, then checked it out and waved me in.

While I was out today, he was going to get one of the men to make a key for it—something I didn’t even know was possible, but hey. This meant I had a place to hide if something happened, because it was easy to walk past the door and assume it was nothing.

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