Cruz (Hot Shots 2) - Page 17

“God, I missed this, Mateo.” My head is in the crook of her neck. Her hand is combing through my hair. Some things never change, and Luna touching me like this, it’s nothing short of fucking amazing.

“Me too, mi diosa, me too. Let me clean you up.” I start to lift up, but she holds my body to her.

“Not yet. Give me a few minutes of us just like this. Then we can shower together. It’s my turn to taste you again.” I hear the mischievousness in her voice.

“Mierda, you’re trying to kill me.” I lift my head up and kiss her, knowing it will do nothing to tame the beast that’s already building back up inside me again.

“Death by orgasm? Wouldn’t that be something,” Luna jokes, causing me to disengage from her body.

“Come on, woman, you’ve stated your piece. Now it’s time to back it up.” She climbs off the bed with me, and I already know the night is still young. I’ll be taking her again and again until she’s so boneless, she won’t be waking up early tomorrow. That time seems to be for Sailor and me, if this morning was anything to go by. That’s something I’m finding I enjoy as well.



I’m not sure how it happened, but we’ve become a family during the past few days. I mean, we were before, but Mateo’s clothing, surfboards, and a plethora of other things made it into my house, which is now basically his too. The transition was so smooth, Mari is still being used, albeit a little less. It seems with Mateo and his friend, Fox, co-owning the Wet Spot Florida edition, he works there but they more or less have employees to run the show, giving Mateo the time to focus on building surfboards. That man of mine, he sure did work his ass of while on the surfing circuit in between working for the good ole United States of America. I guess last year, though, he finally decided not to re-up his duty and settled down here. I should have known a retired Seal with a whole lot of surfer running through his blood would more or less gravitate toward the beach. This beach though? That’s a one-in-a-million chance. I’m not going to complain, though, because it brought him to Sailor and me.

If I’m working the opening shift at the salon, Mateo will get up with our boy, change him, feed him, and bring him into our room to wake me up. Heck, even if I’m not working, Mateo does this. I offered to take turns with him, but he wouldn’t have any of it. More or less stating that waking up early was ingrained in him, and he cherishes the time he can spend with Sailor. He’s teaching him how to count the sets. It’s their guy time. I’ve intruded a few times, not that Mateo would ever allow me to feel or think that way. I was just included, much like I’ve included him in everything.

“Hey, Noelle, I’m done for the day,” I tell her, my bag in my hand, hair tossed up in a ponytail. My hands are stained from adding in purple highlights today, my own fault this time. I seem to always forget gloves.

“Bye, lady, have a good couple of days off. I know you need it. Tell Sailor Auntie Noelle loves him.” She’s working on a client and is in the middle of a perm. The older ladies really do make our job a lot of fun.

“You know it. I’ll have Mateo bring him in the next day I’m working. Between our jobs, we’re needing Mari less and less. I hate it for her, but you know I love it too. If you hear of anyone looking for a babysitter, keep her in mind?” Yesterday, Mateo and I sat down. His hours are flexible, and the only time he can’t take Sailor into work with him is when he’s working on a surfboard. On those days, I can keep Sailor, and on the days he’s just checking on the accounting side of things, he’ll bring him in with him.

“Will do. Now get out of here before I put you back to work,” she jokes.

“I’m out of here. I wonder what I’ll walk in that’s new in our house today,” I rattle off, but I’m walking out the door. In the past few days, Sailor got three new outfits, a few more toys, and Mateo even started building him a surfboard. I rolled my eyes at it all, but I was secretly gleaming inside. That doesn’t include the grocery shopping he’s taken over and the few things he’s bought for me, entirely unnecessary too. I mean, if he wants to take over the groceries, be my guest, but the bathing suits he bought, the television that’s now hanging over the fireplace… Yes, Florida homes have fireplaces. I think I’ve used it once, maybe twice, but the television is now there, and the smile on his face made it worth it. I mean, there was one, it was smaller and off to the side, and on a lower shelf. The moment we saw Sailor find its place the other day when he was standing up, only for him to fall down, it commenced him crawling his cute little self over there and pulling himself up to slap at the television. That’s when Mateo deemed it unsafe. I would have just moved it to where the new one is now, but nope. There’s a newer and bigger one. Boys and their toys. These are my last thoughts as I walk across the street and toward our home. Did I mention I love where the salon is located, beach side, a five-minute walk? It’s the best of both worlds.

Tags: Tory Baker Hot Shots Romance
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