The Evolution of Fae and Gods (Chronicles of the Stone Veil 3) - Page 76

“Ritual aside,” Carrick says, turning to address Nimeyah. “You could use your stone to fortify the veil between the Earth realm and the Underworld, right?”

Nimeyah scoffs, waving a dismissive hand. “Why would I do that? I have no interest in protecting humans.”

“Because if the Underworld comes pouring out into the Earth realm, what will stop them from coming for you in Faere?” Carrick replies coldly. “And I don’t think Kymaris would have any qualms about snatching Faere away from you.”

“As if she could,” Nimeyah replies imperiously. “I would use my stone to fortify my realm. She’d never penetrate it.”

“Perhaps,” Carrick says with a tip of his head, and he stands from his chair. I do the same since it’s a clear indication he’s ready to go. “You could join forces with us. Help us defeat Kymaris.”

“I decline,” Nimeyah replies, but it’s not in that arrogant tone. She’s worried for herself and her realm. I bet the minute we leave, she’s going to be strengthening the veil around Faere with all of her might. She tries to appear unconcerned, though. “I like my life as it is, Carrick. We’re safe here. The humans are just going to have to hope there’s enough of a hero in your friend there to stop this.”

At that last statement, Nimeyah turns her gaze to me. “I truly hope you have what it takes, Finley. Good luck to you.”

It’s the absolute nicest thing she’s ever said to me, but I can’t do anything more than nod in acknowledgment. She’s being selfish by not helping, so I have no use for her.

“We’ll be on our way then,” Carrick says with a slight bow. “Thank you for your time.”

“Oh, nonsense,” Nimeyah simpers, standing from her chaise. “You’re an honored guest. We’ll have a party tonight.”

“I decline,” Carrick replies, a glimmer in his eyes as he throws her own words back. “We’ve got far too much to do.”

“But I demand—”

Carrick cuts her off, his jaw locked tight. “You demand nothing of me, Nimeyah. I am not yours to command.”

There’s a stare-off as both Carrick and Nimeyah wait for the other to make a move. She cracks first, but I expected no different. “Fine. Be gone back to the Earth realm with you then.”

“Actually,” Carrick says. “Finley and I plan on traveling to visit Arwen. We shouldn’t take long.”

My eyebrows raise at Carrick’s temerity. He didn’t ask her permission. Instead, he simply told her what he was doing.

Carrick showed Nimeyah far more deference the last time we were here, and I thought it was because he needed to for safety’s sake. Now I realize it was playing on her vanity, kissing her ass enough to get what he wanted.

I can tell he’s done playing that game, and the fact Nimeyah merely nods her acceptance tells me that Carrick has far more power and influence than Nimeyah ever thought to have.

In other words, demi-god trumps Queen of the Light Fae.



Rebsha is waiting for us at the top of the veranda, and he escorts us back through the castle to the front. Carrick advises him of our plan to visit Arwen, to which he moves his gaze to me for a moment, then back to Carrick before saying, “Safe journeys to you both.”

We’re going to bend distance to visit Arwen, but since I haven’t been able to master great distances, Carrick will lead me the way he did on our visit to Berlin. But we want to get away from the castle to do it, so we move across the bailey toward the bridge that stretches out over the moat.

“I learned something important,” I say offhandedly.

We’re walking side by side, not touching. There are moments where Carrick has no qualms with physical affection, but it’s always when we’re in private. At other times, like when we’re on business, we walk with about a foot between us.

Which is why I’m not completely bowled over as something rushes Carrick, leaps straight at him, and wraps around his body.

It takes me a moment to look past the mini skirt and halter top the woman is wearing to realize it’s Deandra, Princess of Faere, who has her legs wrapped around Carrick’s waist and her arms around his neck.

“I saw you across the bailey and couldn’t believe you’d come to visit me,” Deandra exclaims with excitement.

I merely cross my arms over my chest as I watch the lunacy play out.

To Carrick’s credit, he immediately peels Deandra off him and sets her back on two feet. She tries to step into him again, and he puts a hand to her chest to hold her back. “I didn’t come to visit you,” he says dryly.

“Well, of course you did, silly,” she replies, and I actually frown. How can someone be so dense?

To my surprise, Carrick holds his other hand out my way, indicating he’d like me to come toward him and take it.

Tags: Sawyer Bennett Chronicles of the Stone Veil Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024