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Omens (Cainsville 1)

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The town of Cainsville has many secrets, and it is loath to part with them a moment sooner than necessary. Understandably, though, readers may wish to solve some of those mysteries before Olivia does. As a former computer programmer, I'm happy to oblige with some literary Easter eggs. Peppered throughout the book, you'll find foreign words and phrases that are not defined or easily interpreted in context. You can simply ignore them and travel on Olivia's journey with her, uncovering the secrets as she does and, yes, I hope that's the route you'll choose. But if you're impatient, I'm sure the Internet would provide translation help ... and a few early answers.


who knew I needed a new story to tell

and encouraged me to take the leap.


Eden crawled into the living room, the rough carpet burning her chubby knees and hands. As boots slapped the hall floor, she went still, holding her breath.

Had he heard her?

The footsteps stopped. She leaned back around the doorway and peeked down the dark hall. There was no sign of him. Not yet. But he'd come for her. He always did.

She crept a little farther, resisting the urge to leap to her feet and run. He'd hear her if she ran.

Once she was past the big chair, she stopped and looked around. The long table in front of the sofa had a cupboard. She opened the door, wincing at the click. The space was big enough to squeeze into, but it was full of books and magazines.

She glanced back at the big chair. It was too far from the wall. If she hid behind it, he'd see her as soon as he came around the corner. But the sofa? Yes! She flattened onto her stomach. Then she wriggled backward until her legs were all the way under and--

Her bum hit the frame and stopped her. She tried again, squirming madly, but she couldn't get under. Maybe if she went in headfirst. She tugged herself forward and--

She was stuck. She wiggled as hard as she could, the carpet burning her knees, but she couldn't get loose, and she was sure any moment now he'd--

She popped out. She took a second to catch her breath. Then she turned around to go in headfirst and--

Her head wouldn't fit under, either.

What about behind the sofa? If she could move it out a little, she could get in there. She grabbed the leg with both hands and pulled. It wobbled but didn't move.

The footsteps started again, slow and steady. Coming her way? She swallowed and tried to listen, but her heart was pounding so hard she could barely hear.

She skittered from between the table and sofa and glanced at the hall leading to the bedrooms. Lots of hiding places back there. Better hiding places. If she could--


She dove for the sofa and pushed it forward just enough so she could squish in behind. She tried to look back to make sure her feet were hidden, but she couldn't tell. She wiggled in a little farther, and then she pressed her hands to her mouth. If she made any noise--any at all--he'd find her. She lay on the carpet, trying not to sniff the old cat pee as she made herself as small as possible.

Footsteps thudded into the room. And stopped. When Eden squeezed her eyes shut, she could hear

the slight rasp of his breathing. She pictured him there, brushing his shaggy blond hair from his eyes as he scanned the empty room.

"Eden?" he called.

His boots swished on the carpet as he took a few more steps. He sucked in a breath. "She's gone. Oh my God, Pammie, our baby's gone!"

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