Personal Demon (Otherworld 8) - Page 22

Sonny shook his head. "And this is the son Benicio wants to run the Cabal."

"I've met him," I said.

Jaz dropped the pebble he'd been playing with. "Lucas Cortez?"

"I was dating a thief who'd had trouble with Lucas. After we pulled one job, he came after us."


"Seriously would be overstating it. My ex got rid of him pretty easily. Like you said, he's a geek. A loser who fancies himself some kind of crusader." I sent up a mental apology to Lucas.

Jaz considered my words for a moment, then said, "Guy would like to hear this. Get your impressions. Would that be okay?"

Exactly what I'd hoped. I nodded and said I'd do my best, even call my ex if it would help.


I'd spent the break-in trying to focus on Karl in the most neutral terms. My contact. My mentor. My friend. I'd called him my "ex" with Guy this afternoon and now with Jaz because that would be easy for them to understand. The truth was that "boyfriend" was the one word I couldn't pin on him, let alone "ex."

Karl Marsten...

A guy who should never have been part of my life, and there were days when I wished he never had been.

Karl, the werewolf jewel thief I was supposed to capture for Tristan, my bogus council contact. Karl, who'd shown me I was actually working for a Cabal, who'd introduced me to the real council and got me a job with them. Karl, who knew why I really worked for the council--my less than honorable motivation--and not only knew, but understood.

After that first meeting, almost two years ago, he'd kept coming around, his intentions murky. Chemistry we had, and sometimes even explored, but we both seemed more comfortable with friendship. He'd show up, let me poke holes through his ego, sometimes return the favor. We'd banter for a while, then slide into confessions and concerns neither of us shared with anyone else.

When he'd hinted about coming to one of my mother's charity galas, I'd teased that he was getting old and needing easier access to jewels. He'd joked that he wanted to meet my mother, see whether she approved of him. Then, at the Valentine's ball at my brother's Texas ranch, he'd shown up on the doorstep, ticket in hand.

If he'd been serious about wanting to come, we should have discussed the pros and cons of letting the supernatural side of my life seep into my family life. But the anger I'd felt on seeing him hadn't lasted.

Charm was Karl's specialty, but that night he'd used none of his usual too-clever charm that sent society matrons into vapors as he divested them of their jewels. My mother wouldn't have fallen for that. Instead, Karl had charmed her by being himself--or as close to it as he ever was around others.

When the party ended, I'd given him the grand tour of the grounds. The stable visit didn't go so well--his werewolf scent spooked the horses. When the groom had come down, wakened by the noise, we'd raced out like kids caught at a prank.

We'd stopped at the pool, tucked behind the gardens. I'd opened the gate.

He'd peered in. "I didn't bring my bathing suit."

"I can probably find one for you."

"Don't bother."

He'd stripped off his jacket and shirt, and I'd known, even as I let my dress fall around my ankles, that this was why he'd come. To take the step we'd been dancing around for two years.

Afterward, he scooped me up out of the pool, grabbed towels from the cabana and carried me into the woods.

As perfect a night as any romantic would want. Perfect even for a cynic like me.

I'd woken to see Karl on the edge of the clearing, his back to me, staring out at the dawn. I'd watched him and I'd felt...

But it didn't matter what I felt. What mattered, as I'd soon discovered, was how he felt because, with Karl, it was always about that. What he felt. What he wanted. And one night, no matter how wildly romantic, couldn't change that.



I called Benicio the next morning. When he learned I had something to report, he asked me to meet Troy for breakfast and fill him in. In other words, he hadn't exp

Tags: Kelley Armstrong Otherworld Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024