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Dangerous Fling (Dangerous Noise 4)

Page 40

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She looks up at me.

Then she's rising to her tiptoes, her eyelids fluttering together.

I dig my other hand into her dark hair and I bring my lips to hers.


Then hard.

Her lips part as she groans against my mouth.

Her hips buck against mine.

Fuck, I can't remember the last time someone wanted me this much.

I slide my tongue into her mouth. I pin her to the door. She's soft and eager and fuck, the things I want to do to her.

But this is just a taste.

I pull back.

Slowly, her eyelids flutter open. She presses her lips together. "Goodnight, Mal."


I watch her step into her apartment and listen for the click of the lock.

Every muscle in my body begs me to knock on that door.

To invite myself into her bed.

Somehow, I force myself to my car.

The drive home takes too fucking long.

For once, the emptiness of the giant house doesn't mock me.

I need it empty.

I need to fill this place with noise.

I step into the master bathroom and kick off my shoes. I pull off my socks. I'm too sweaty. My t-shirt sticks to my skin.

My jeans fight me.

The boxers too.

Damn, my head is already full of thoughts of Lacey.

I run the water and step into the shower.

I wrap my hand around my cock and I think of the taste of her lips.

Her soft groans vibrating down my neck.

Her hips rocking against mine.

That cardigan on my floor.

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