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Dangerous Fling (Dangerous Noise 4)

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I insist on making Lacey breakfast and tea.

We eat outside, on the deck, with the sun falling over us.

She's leaning back, her hands planted behind her, her knees a few inches apart. My t-shirt is long enough to fall to mid-thigh.

She shifts backwards and the t-shirt pulls up her smooth legs. She's wearing those pastel pink panties now.

I want them gone.

She catches me looking and presses her knees together. She shifts forward, sitting upright. "You have this look."

"Do I?"

"Same stuff as last night?"

"You remember?"

"I didn't drink that much."

I cock a brow.

"Scout's honor." She holds up her four fingers. Her lips curl into a smile.

She moves closer.


Until her thigh is pressed against mine.

Until I can smell her, that floral soap and something distinctly Lacey.

She rests her head on my shoulder.

"What are you doing this Saturday?" I ask.

"Probably more stuff for the video." She looks up at me. "Why?"

"My parents are coming to town."

"You want me to meet your parents?"


Her eyes turn down. "Oh, well, of course not…"

"Piper liked you. It's… it's complicated, but she won't go unless you go."

"I'm bait?"

I nod.

"Okay. I can do bait. As long as I get a nice meal out of it."

"No salad and grilled fish?"

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