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Dangerous Fling (Dangerous Noise 4)

Page 184

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"I need better than okay."

Her lips part with a sigh. She looks at me with all the trust in the world. "Yes. Please."

"You remember traffic light?"

She nods.

"I'm going to go harder this time."


I raise a brow.

She laughs. "Perfect."

I motion to the bathroom. "Go change."

Immediately, she spins on her heel and moves into the bathroom. She leaves the door half open. I catch glimpses of her body as I set up the restraints system.

She feels guilty about something. I'm not sure if it's about her ex or about Danielle, but I'm going to find out. And I'm going to punish her the way she wants to be punished for it.

Then I'm going to turn every bit of that pain into pleasure.

Fuck, I'm already hard thinking about it. My cock is going to have to wait to get its satisfaction. I need to breathe deep and think of baseball if I want to last long enough to make her come until she's dizzy.

Her footsteps are soft as she steps out of the bathroom. She's perfect in the hot pink bra and thong.

I give her front a long, slow once-over as she approaches me. Once she's a few feet away, I issue my first command. "Turn around for me, baby."

Her pupils dilate. She swallows hard. Some part of her turns on as she spins on her heel.

Fuck, she really does have a perfect ass. I reach out to run my fingers over the curve of her flesh. Over the soft lace of the strap. "Bend over and touch your toes."

She rolls from her hips. A sigh falls off her lips as her fingers brush the ground. I know that sigh.

It's anticipation.

Fuck, I love the sound of her anticipation. "Fucking beautiful, baby." I run my fingers over the thong, pushing the soft lace against her cunt until the sound that falls off her lips is more whine than sigh. "Stand back up."

She gets back to her feet and turns so we're face to face. Her eyes search mine. From the way her posture settles, she finds whatever she's looking for.

Her eyelids flutter closed. She rises to her tiptoes and presses her lips to mine. It's a hard kiss. One that commands me.

Fuck, she tastes good. Her kiss satisfies something deep inside me and wakes up something deeper.

I'm the one shaking with desire when our kiss breaks. I have to take a step back. Turning her pain into pleasure is going to take every bit of my attention. I have to stay in control.

I take the riding crop into my hands.

Her eyes go wide. Her tongue slides over her lips. "Are you—"

"Yes." I run my fingers over the leather tip. "You want that, baby?"


"Take a look." I hand the toy over to her.

She takes her time examining the thick handle, the flat leather of the tip, the long rod. She tests it out on her calf then her eyes meet mine. "Will it hurt?"

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