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Highland Intrigue - A Prequel

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Brogan let an oath fly as he rushed to Annis, catching her before she hit the floor.

Bliss did not miss the look Cadell exchanged with Lawler. His quick action proved what they both thought—Brogan favored Annis. Bliss thought she might faint as well, but kept her sense about her.

Brogan sat on the one bench that had been left standing when the table in front of it had been toppled. He cradled Annis in his arms, resting her comfortably in his lap. He sent a worried look to Bliss.

Bliss wished there was someplace Brogan could set her down, but there was nothing suitable and she had no choice but to tell him, “Keep hold of her until she comes to.”

He nodded and turned his eyes on Annis. Her beauty could not be denied, but beauty could be deceiving. It was her bold, clever tongue that challenged and had him smiling more often than not. And damn if he did not want to run his hands through her flaming red hair that burst in ringlets around her head as wildly and uncontrollably as her words that often burst from her lips. Lips that appeared far too delectable.

Bliss’s stomach roiled seeing the intense interest in Brogan’s eyes for her sister. This was not good, not good at all. He might protest that he did not favor Annis, but it was obvious he lied. He very much favored Annis.

She had to get Annis out of there as soon as possible, though she wondered if it was too late. Had her sister’s fate already been sealed?

“Let me see to your wounds,” Bliss said, turning to Cadell.

He nodded and sat on a bench at a table that had not been overturned.

Bliss prayed that Annis’s faint would last until she was done with Cadell. She feared what her words would be when she woke and found herself in Brogan’s arms. She kept a litany of silent prayers going as she hurried to clean Cadell’s wounds.

Chapter 7

Brogan was relieved when Annis finally stirred in his arms, though disappointed as well since she would not remain in his arms long. Strange how much he enjoyed holding her.

Let her go!

The warning rang clear in his head. He could not condemn her to a life with him. It was not fair to either of them, but more so to her.

Her eyes began to flutter and he could not help but smile and wonder over her reaction when she looked upon his face. He was caught by surprise when her eyes opened and she smiled at him… though not for long.

“Let go of me,” she ordered like one who was used to issuing such demands and having them obeyed.

“You think I want to hold you?” he sneered, though laughed. “I should have let you hit the floor when you fainted.”

“It would have been preferable to your arms,” Annis shot back.

He wanted to laugh again and tease her so she would verbally spar with him, but his warning rang in his head again.

Let her go!

He paid heed and eased her off his lap, keeping his hands at her waist to make sure she remained steady on her feet.

Annis was about to pull away from him when a shock of lightheadedness hit as it usually did after coming to from a faint, and she was glad for the hold he had on her.

He held her firm, feeling her unsteady on her feet and that she did not protest confirmed his concern. It was not long before she found firm footing and though he did not release her, he was quick to order, “Go home, I have no need of you now or ever.”

Annis pulled away from him and gave no thought to her tongue. “And you think I have need of you?”

“Maybe not need, but desire is something most women cannot control around me.” He grinned dismissively. “But know full well that I have no desire to poke you.”

Annis’s face turned red with fury. “Like I would let you? I would see you dead first.”

“ENOUGH!” Lawler shouted. “How dare you threaten Lord Brogan.”

“Keep her from me, Lawler, or else she may do what others have failed to do… see me dead,” Brogan said and walked away from Annis.

“I am finished,” Bliss said. “Your nose is not broken and your lip will heal in time.” Hasty steps had her beside her sister. “We will take our leave.”

“If Annis threatens Lord Brogan again, she will be punished,” Lawler warned.

“I will make certain she keeps her distance,” Bliss said with a respectful bob of her head.

“See that you do,” Lawler ordered and snapped his hand at a servant to show the two women out.

“Can you believe Lord Brogan’s audacity?” Annis asked, shaking her head as Bliss hurried her through the village.

“Your temper gets in the way of the truth,” Bliss chastised.

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