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Highland Intrigue - A Prequel

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“We can only pray,” Bliss said as she settled on her pallet for the night, but something told her this was not finished and she feared it would not end well.

Chapter 8

It was market day in the village and to Bliss’s surprise, it was crowded. No longer did mothers hide their daughters away and that thought alarmed her. It could only mean one of two things. That Lawler and Cadell had taken their leave, or a woman had been chosen for Lord Brogan.

Bliss’s gait turned purposeful. She had to find Lendra and find out what she knew. Though the sun shined bright and smiles and chatter abounded, Bliss felt a worry in the pit of her stomach. She was relieved to see Lendra a short distance ahead. As if the woman sensed her near, she turned and the dire look on her face sent a tremble through Bliss.

“Tell me,” Bliss urged when she reached Lendra and the woman hustled them off to a spot that afforded them privacy.

“Tongues run rampant with news that a woman has been chosen for Lord Brogan,” Lendra said and shook her head. “I cannot confirm or deny it, since no one in the keep has heard such news.”

“A rumor perhaps?” Bliss suggested, praying it was so.

“I suppose it is possible.” Lendra squeezed Bliss’s hand. “I can tell you that Lord Brogan was heard arguing with Lawler and Cadell last night, though no one heard what it was about. The servants keep a distance from Lord Brogan, fearful of somehow being touched by his curse.”

“I heard Lawler and Cadell were to leave soon and visit another clan,” Bliss said, wishing to hear it was so.

“There are many things being said and I wonder if it is on purpose so no one knows the truth until it is revealed.”

“I worry for Annis,” Bliss confessed.

“And well you should. Many believe if anyone is chosen to be Lord Brogan’s wife, it will be Annis.” Lendra looked around before whispering, “I did hear that Lawler believes Annis would make the cursed lord a good wife since she is so fearless.”

Bliss’s hand went to her chest. “Good Lord, what am I to do?”

Tears gathered in Lendra’s eyes. “Nothing. You can do nothing, none of us can.” She nodded toward the crowd. “Though it seems most believe the deed has been done, but only time will tell.”

Bliss wandered through the market, keeping a smile on her face, while worry churned her stomach. After talking and laughing with a few merchants who had brought their wares there to sell, she realized smiles were less abundant. Most had thought the choice had been made, but now seeing that Bliss was her usual self, they had begun to wonder. Surely, if Annis had been chosen to be Lord Brogan’s wife, Bliss would not be her usual pleasant self.

It took every ounce of strength Bliss had not to hurry through the market. She wanted nothing more than to take herself off somewhere where she could think and plan what could be done if such a fate befell Annis.

Lendra might believe there was nothing that could be done to save Annis, but Bliss didn’t believe that. Unfortunately, there was no time to go search and seek help from the witch in the hills or try to learn what Lord Brogan meant when he told Annis that the curse could not be broken that it had to be fulfilled and how that was impossible to do. What then was left to her?

Elysia stood outside the cottage, looking to the woods. It was her fault Annis had gone off alone. With all that had happened yesterday, she had not realized that Annis had not collected any bones and had mentioned it to her. Annis had given pause, then shook her head, realizing she had dropped them during her altercation with Lord Brogan. She insisted on returning to the woods to retrieve her bundle of bones.

Unfortunately, Elysia could not go with her. She had given Bliss her word to remain at the cottage while she went to market in case anyone came in need of healing. Maybe Bliss thought that Annis need not remain confined to the cottage, but Elysia was worried having seen the exchange between Annis and Lord Brogan. She could not get that intense look in Lord Brogan’s eyes, after his confrontation with Annis, out of her thoughts. There was something about it that concerned her. Having thought on it, she realized the intensity in his eyes had not been anger. And while she had never seen passion spark in a man’s eyes, she had heard women speak about it, some good, some not. She had come to the conclusion that was what she had seen in Lord Brogan’s eyes for Annis—passion. And that truly worried her.

“The voiceless fella not here to defend you today?”

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