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Highland Intrigue - A Prequel

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Elysia smiled softly. Bliss would do neither even if frightened. She would hold herself with pride and stay strong. She needed to do the same. If her sister could sacrifice so much to protect her and Annis, she certainly could see this done so that she was less of a burden. Then hopefully she could somehow find a way to help Annis save their sister before the curse claimed her.

She kept a tempered pace, needing to gather her courage as she went. It was there somewhere inside her or so Bliss had told her time and again. Annis had needed no such encouragement, nothing stopped her from doing as she pleased or voicing her opinion. There had been times Elysia wished she could be like Annis but courage did not come as easily to her as it did to Annis. Now, though, she had no choice—she had to find her courage.

When Saber’s croft came into view, her feet stopped of their own accord and she worried she would not be able to take another step. She glanced around at the small plot of land. A pen held a couple of lambs and a small field looked ready for its last harvest to be picked. The cottage itself was small and she wondered how such a large man could fit in it.

She jumped when the door opened and Saber stepped outside.

He wore no cloak, only his plaid and shirt which were dark in color. He was built solid with thick muscle. His hair was dark, though when the sun caught it, it highlighted the auburn strands that ran through it, and it brushed his broad shoulders in a gentle wave. That he was endowed with fine features was undeniable and that she found him appealing also was undeniable.

She definitely favored the man, though she had denied it time and again when her sisters had mentioned it. However, there was no point in denying it any longer. She did like Saber and while that should make her task easier, it did not. She might favor him, but what if he did not favor her?

Turn and run! She silently warned herself and she would have if her legs had not frozen with fear.

He spotted her then and waved.

She returned his wave and got her legs to move, though she feared that any second they might collapse from under her. No smile greeted her as she got closer, but then he rarely smiled. Every now and then there would be a slight lift to his lips, but nothing substantial. His green eyes, however, greeted with a delight that was obvious and it made her at least feel welcomed.

The brew she had been giving him to help restore his voice was showing some success. He had been able to say a word or two, though not without struggle and she had cautioned him to limit his speech until it came more easily.

He tilted his head and shrugged.

She understood that he wondered what brought her here to him. “I need to speak with you about something important.”

He nodded, his eyes intent on her.

She clutched her cloak, not wanting him to see how her hands trembled. “I do not know if you have heard yet, but my sisters had to go away.”

His brow narrowed with concern and question, and he shook his head, letting her know he had not heard. She had not expected him to since it was only a short time ago that it happened.

“It is a bit involved, but it is not why I came here to see you.” She paused not sure how to continue. “My sisters worry for me that I am alone with no one to look after me.” She paused again, feeling that she sounded much too needy. “It is not that I cannot take care of myself, but I thought—” She stopped, her stomach churning so badly that she feared being sick in front of him so she rushed out her words before she embarrassed herself. “I favor you, Saber. I feel comfortable and safe with you, and I would be ever so grateful if you would marry me.” His shock was obvious, since his mouth dropped open some and eyes went wide, but she ignored both and continued, “I would be a good wife. I would take good care of you and I would be a good mum to our bairns.” She was about to say more when she caught the change in his eyes. A sudden empty coldness filled them that actually shivered her, and she knew what his answer would be.

He kept his eyes intent on her and shook his head slowly.

“Oh,” was all she could manage to say and that he offered no more, not a gesture or a simple word made it all the more awkward for her. “I will be on my way then.”

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