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Under the Boardwalk (Costas Sisters 1)

Page 29

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“You haven’t been here long but I’m sure you realize Quinn’s considered a prime catch.”

Ariana raised an eyebrow. “I hadn’t heard.”

Maria rolled her eyes. “Come on. He’s single, he’s gorgeous, and he’s Damon’s right-hand man. Who wouldn’t want a piece of that?”

“I don’t know,” Ariana murmured. She didn’t want to think of other women ogling Quinn or his interest in them. Not when her interest in Quinn was growing with each passing day. “What does this have to do with my sister?”

“Well, he’s also a prime topic for gossip and speculation, especially since unlike Damon, he keeps to himself instead of choosing from his pick of women.”

Do tell, Ariana thought.

“Anyway, when Zoe disappeared and then the police came around, people here wondered if he had something to do with it.” Maria shook her head. “But it never sat right with me, you know? Quinn can be cold and disinterested. It’s the strong, silent quality that attracts women, but . . .” She shook her head.

“But what?” Ariana pushed harder. Maria had come so far in confiding in Ariana. She couldn’t stop now.

“Look.” Maria waved a hand through the air. “I’ve been in a bad relationship and I like to think I’d recognize a guy who’d do wrong by a woman. Quinn just isn’t one of them.” She pulled the door open. “I just thought you should know,” she said before slamming the door behind her.

Ariana let out a long stream of air. She wanted to agree with Maria and in her heart she did. But if she was here to investigate, she had no choice but to pursue leads, no matter where they led.

And so far her only tip pointed to Quinn. A man Ariana had already decided to get to know better.

* * *

Connor wiped down the bar and poured himself a beer. They were closed for the night and all his waitresses were long gone. Except for Maria. Though she was normally the first one in and the first one out, tonight she stuck around even longer, helping him clean. He watched the sway of her hips and the determination she put into everything she did. Man, he had it bad.

Returning to business, he recalled the brief conversation he’d had with the “customer” who was actually working along with himself and Quinn. He’d signaled her to follow Ariana to the ladies’ room and make sure she stayed out of trouble. The woman had been able to eavesdrop on Ariana’s conversation with Maria. The two waitresses still hadn’t hit it off, but Maria had come around and given Ari some vague information, the woman had told him.

Maria hadn’t done anything more than supplied the realities and the rumors as she’d heard them. At least Ariana hadn’t gone snooping around any of the offices, which was what he and Quinn were afraid of and was the reason he’d had her followed. The same way he’d had her tailed after her shift ended since Quinn hadn’t shown up to take her home. Damn Damon anyway, Connor thought. The man was a pain in the ass. Both Connor and Quinn would be happy to see the last of him.

A low tune interrupted his thoughts and the happy humming settled inside him, warm and comforting. Maria. She was still cleaning, happy in her work despite the late hour and the grueling time on her feet.

He admired her. “You’ve cleaned enough. I can already see your reflection in the tables. Care to tell me why you’re still hanging around?”

She seated herself on a barstool and met his gaze, propping her chin in her hand. “I’ve been asking myself that same question.”

“Are you reconsidering my invitation?” He’d been asking her on a date nightly since they’d met. Of course only an idiot put up with so much rejection, but there was something about this woman that wouldn’t let him shelve his desire and forget about her.

Perhaps it was because she gave him a glimpse of himself. A solitary person needing a break from the daily grind. They’d have hot sex, that much he knew for sure, and the desire thrumming through him backed up his hunch. The fact that sometimes he wanted to know her secrets wasn’t something he liked to contemplate. He was a man used to being alone. He didn’t know how to open up and he didn’t care to try.

Flirting, however, was another story. “Well, sweetstuff?”

“I might be thinking about changing my mind.” She studied him closely as she chewed on a piece of bubble gum. She blew a bubble that he tried in vain to pop before she sucked it back between those lips he was dying to kiss.

“Dare I ask why the sudden shift?”

She shrugged. “Sometimes the harder you try to avoid something, the more it crowds you.” She stood and slid her hand into her apron pocket. “If you’re serious, you can pick me up at noon on my next day off.” She handed him a scrap of paper.

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