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Explosive Alliance (Wingmen Warriors 9)

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"Hey, I even know a bomber guy who majored in jewelry technology. Something wrong with that?"

"No! Of course not."

"Because I would find it very un-PC if you don't get that shocked gawk off your face."

"Consider it erased." Her shock shifted into a grin that crinkled her nose.

Yeah, making this woman smile gave him one helluva charge. All that talk of sexual peaks was backfiring on him with a vengeance. "Do you ever think about going back to finish up veterinarian school like you originally planned?"

Longing chased through her eyes, then faded. "I have a daughter to raise."

"You could do both."

"If I won the lottery along with eight more hours in the day."

"Valid point. And speaking of more hours in the day, I should probably let you put your feet up or something." He shoved away from the Cessna. "Time for me to hit the road, anyway. I'll walk you up to the house before I go."

Confusion flickered in her eyes behind the new glasses. Had she expected him to hit on her once they landed in spite of his insistence that friends could just flirt? He searched deeper in her eyes and definitely saw confusion—and undeniable wariness. He'd never expected her to be this swayed by the flirtation between them, especially given all the crap she was still going through.

Jamming his hands into his jeans pockets to keep from touching her, he started toward the house. Paige followed, her steps brisk to keep up, so he slowed. She'd worked hard, in fact worked hard every day, and suddenly he wanted to slip her glasses off for her to sleep.

A much more disturbing thought.

Sidestepping the vet sign swinging in the yard, he strode up the walkway toward the clinic door. The sun set late in the spring here, so the halo of the fading day still lit the yard. But the clinic was empty. Like the house.

An uneasy itch crept along his instincts. She shouldn't enter into an empty house alone.

He scanned the yard, found nothing out of the ordinary. The house, barn and hangar loomed quiet, unlit with doors closed. Sure, the dogs were causing a ruckus in the kennel, but he assumed the plane had riled them or they were shouting to Paige for food and attention. No cars were in sight along the flat expanse of land other than his rental. Which meant Paige would have no way to leave if something happened.

He wasn't going anywhere.

"What grades?"

Bo dragged his eyes off the deserted road. "Pardon me?"

"What grades and subject did you focus on?"

Resting a tennis shoe on the step, he leaned back on the porch post. Outside would be safer for talking until her brother or cousin returned. "I have a double major in education and music."

"You could be a band teacher?"

"Or chorus, even elementary music."

"Now there's an image." She sagged against the opposite porch post, eyes lighting with whimsy. "A really nice image, actually. What made you declare that as a major, especially since you planned to fly?"

"I have to admit that at first I chose it because I figured it would be an easy program to get the degree I needed for an Air Force commission. I know all about kids, and music is a breeze for me."

Damn but she was easy to talk to. Sure, he liked women's company, enjoyed charming them and watching them smile, but Paige cut through his BS and just talked to the man.

No games, but still plenty of fun.

"And teaching the kids wasn't so simple after all?"

"Hell, no." He spoke on autopilot, mostly still enjoying the way her full lips formed words or pursed when she listened, lips devoid of any gloss. The dampness would taste of pure her. "I worked my ass off with child-psych classes and testing-statistic courses. Then there was music theory. And the first day of student teaching was a bi— Uh, particularly challenging."

She leaned back against her hands. "There are women who would plant a big kiss on your face for recognizing that working with kids is a tough job."

Her eyes crinkled at the corners, her laughter ringing like a song he might try to write someday. The tune, totally and uniquely Paige, swirled in his head, scaling back life and concerns until he said to hell with it all and just felt the music. He was only going to kiss her, after all, not start some steaming affair.

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