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Explosive Alliance (Wingmen Warriors 9)

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"I just thought you would want to know, since other folks have assumed we're more than friends."

"We're just.. .uh..." She twirled a strand of hair between two fingers.

"Friends? Yeah right. I'm his friend, remember? And he doesn't look at me like he wants to peel off my clothes with his teeth and toss them very far away, not to be found for at least a week."

Apparently they weren't hiding their feelings from anyone. Might as well be open then.

"If he's such a great guy and you two are friends, how come nothing more came of it?"

"No spark, ya know? There's no explaining what makes that spark happen." Her eyes drifted back over to the cluster of pilots popping peeled shrimp into their mouths. Was she looking for someone in particular or just dreaming of another guy? Tough to tell. But Nikki was still so young, with many years and dreams left to explore.

How morbid was that? Geez, she wasn't exactly 105 herself. Exhaustion and more than a little frustration must be having its way with her. Time to lay off the spiked fruit punch before it ruined the whole night for her.

She'd made her decision to grasp the moment with Bo, and she wouldn't be shaken. She'd come to Charleston to lay her past to rest and that involved facing everything head-on.

Speakers squawked and the canned recorded music shifted to the band warming up. Bo shouldered through the crowd and dropped onto the arm of her lawn chair. "How's it going?"

She clasped her hands around her punch glass to keep from placing her hand on his thigh and further stoking the rumor mill. "Your friend here's just spilling all your secrets."

He blanched paler than the chunks of Swiss cheese on the plate on her lap. She didn't want to think about what nerve that must have struck. Tonight was about putting aside morbid thoughts and concerns.

Pinching up a petit four, Nikki pelted him on the forehead. "Nothing particularly juicy, but the night's still young."

Bo set aside Paige's plate and cup with an arousing brush of his fingers. "Then I guess I'd better keep her busy." He tugged Paige's wrist. "Kick off your shoes and dance with me, gorgeous."

Three hours later, by the bonfire, Bo searched the crowd for Paige, who'd been tugged off for more secret sharing with some of the wives and girlfriends apparently determined to see him paired up. A few people avoided her, but in a group this large and with the night to hide subtle emotions, the slight wasn't as obvious.

Good thing because he would hate to kick ass at Darcy and Max's wedding.

Paige seemed to be having fun when they'd danced under the stars, fast, slow, and much like what he had in mind for later, minus the clothes. Hopefully she wasn't pissed with him for making her come along, but after that purse-snatching, he hadn't wanted to risk leaving her alone. Trouble seemed to be following this woman lately with an increasing frequency that made his instincts shout.

And then she was there. Beside him. Smiling. Sliding her soft hand into his.

He gave her fingers a gentle squeeze. "Are you ready to go?"

"I can wait." She flipped her loose hair over her shoulder. "I don't want to take you from your friends. Looks like they still have plenty of party left in them."

"They do. But there's always another party, and I can see them anytime." And soon he wouldn't see Paige anymore.

Her eyes sparked with a similar awareness. "Let's go."

He tugged her hand, weaving them through the press of people, not a fast trek but he was a determined man. At the edge of the crowd, he bumped smack into Nikki.

"Leaving so soon?" His leggy athlete friend smirked.

"Do you need a ride or anything?" Honor compelled him to ask in thanks for all her help, even as he prayed overtime she would say no.


Yes! "Well if you're sure."

"I'm good." Nikki waved him on. "I'm actually playing designated driver like a grownup."

"Cool. I'll catch ya later when I get back in town again."

Nikki fanned a wave. "Night, Paige, great meeting you. Hope we get to see you again."

Paige hmm-ed an answer along with a return wave before tucking her hand back into Bo's. "She's nice."

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