Explosive Alliance (Wingmen Warriors 9) - Page 137

"Bo!" She scrambled back toward the edge of the bed, nerves snapping to attention.

A body filled the window. Or rather shoulders and a face. A handsome and hot face.

"Bo." She slumped with relief, staring at her new lover standing outside, a phone in each hand.

He tapped on the pane with his cell phone.

Laughing at her own jitters, she secured the sheet around her and shuffled across the room. A quick look confirmed. . .yes, he'd locked the window, and his attention to her safety even when they'd been about to jump each other touched her. How could it not, when she'd lived too long with a man who put her and her child at risk?

She flipped the lock and nudged the window up, no easy task while struggling to keep a sheet modestly tucked around her, which elicited a fresh twinkle in Bo's eyes.

"Morning, gorgeous." He leaned inside to drop the phones onto the carpeted floor, the reach placing his face right at her waist for a lingering kiss that tickled as well as aroused.

"Good morning, master of the ice cube."

Fist knotted in the sheet, she threaded the fingers of her other hand through his hair, still damp from his shower. Sheesh, she'd slept deeply not to have heard him. Regret flickered through over the missed opportunity to step inside the spray with him. Before they left tomorrow morning, she would take that memory.

Make the most of every second.

Pulling back, he rested both arms on the ledge and peered up at her. "So is it? A good morning? I didn't mean to lay all that heavy crap from my past on you last night."

"I'm glad you did." She traced along his forehead down to his mouth, which had brought her such pleasure with an ice cube clenched between his teeth. "Makes everything feel more equal since you've had to deal with so much of my heavy crap."

And she couldn't help noticing that he'd used sex to dodge further discussion, which also made her realize how little he'd shared about himself that didn't involve a funny story.

She might not have noticed before, but now she found herself wanting to know everything about him before he left.

"Fair enough, then." He nodded toward the cell phone. "I thought you might want to call Kirstie this morning."

"She's probably still asleep, with the time difference." Although they would probably be waking soon for church. "I'll check in on her a little later. Thanks for retrieving the phones."

"No problem." He hefted himself up, hooking a knee on the window to propel himself inside.

"Bo?" She startled back a step as he vaulted through and wrapped his arms around her seconds before giving her a toe-curling good-morning kiss.

Holy cow, freshly showered Bo smelled good. He tasted good, too, minty toothpaste and a hint of coffee. She melted into a puddle of hormones again at the stroke of his tongue searching her mouth.

He eased his head up from hers. "Have I told you yet you're gorgeous?"

"Yes, and you're so full of it."

"Not today." He traced her bottom lip with his thumb in an echo caress of some of his ice play the night before. "Being with you was even more mind-blowing than I expected, and let me tell you, I had high expectations."

What did a woman say to that? She had so little experience with morning-after chitchat.

None, actually, since she'd never done the affair thing before. He seemed to like her straight-up attitude. She would have to go with that. "I believe it's safe to say you put any of my worries about sex to rest."

Bo winked and dropped another quick kiss on her lips. "My pleasure."

He stepped back and she darn near lost her sheet she'd forgotten to hold because her fingers preferred the feel of his chest. She grappled to secure the wrap. Naked would be fun, but only if he joined in.

For the first time she looked beyond his blue eyes to his clothes—pressed khakis, a button-down shirt and tie, more formal than he'd worn at the wedding.

And so mouthwatering she gripped her sheet tighter to keep from yanking him back into bed with her when he was obviously on his way out the door. "Are you going somewhere?"

"Uh, yeah, for a few hours." Passing her, he strode to his closet and unhooked a dark blue jacket. Avoiding her eyes? "But I'll be back in time to take you out to lunch. I left breakfast on the counter if you're hungry now."

She'd thought they would have breakfast in bed. Where was the great Romeo player she'd expected him to be? Instead she was seeing a man as confused as she felt, which touched her heart more than if he'd showered her with an elaborate meal served up with roses.

Tags: Catherine Mann Wingmen Warriors Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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