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Explosive Alliance (Wingmen Warriors 9)

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While she slept warm and soft beside him, Bo stared out at the moonlit dirt and rocks stretching endlessly along the dry plains. What once looked barren to him slowly shifted in his mind, stirring something inside him. No great, startling moment like when he'd realized why he did, in fact, date bimbos. This understanding came to him in a whispering moment as gentle as the caress of Paige's hand along his skin or the subtle scent of her flowery cologne.

She'd taught him to appreciate the understated. The kick he got from watching Kirstie bounce in the passenger seat of the Cessna beat pulling G forces in aT-38. Rock concerts he'd caught in Europe didn't come close to the thrill of hearing the musicality of Paige's laugh. Paige had taught him to appreciate the joy found in a puppy lying across your foot.

He stared out across Paige's front yard that two weeks ago had been nothing more than a dusty stretch of desolate land leading on into monotony. Now he saw the way the wind swayed the branches of the lone tree, tossing a swing that held more than a few memories for him.

The grass was still clumpy and the mosquitoes still chewed his hide, but thanks to Paige he couldn't deny his sense of pride in the heartland of his country. A country he'd sworn to protect with his life. Suddenly his job in the military wasn't about cool toys and adventure, or even about repaying some cosmic debt in honor of those who took him in as a kid.

It was about protecting this patch of stark beauty and the people who walked on it.

He'd come to North Dakota looking for answers from Paige, and he'd found them, just not in the way he expected. And instead of peace, he'd uncovered more problems, since he couldn't figure out how to reconcile his calling to the Air Force with the possibility of stepping into this family.

Chapter 15

Paige sidestepped the puddle left by a dog and swished the mop over the mess on the clinic floor. What a long damn day at work. Only Monday and yet the past weekend with Bo seemed forever away.

She chunked the mop back in the bucket and out again, slapping it against the scarred tile.

Certainly there hadn't been a chance to slip away together since she wasn't letting her daughter out of her sight. Through the open window, Paige watched Kirstie corral the puppies back into the kennel with Bo's help—and ever-watchful care.

Cops were searching for a workman named Eddie who might have made repairs at the school and the air show. He hadn't done enough to be arrested, but certainly could be picked up for questioning. And it would help knowing where to look for the threat.

The whole day had been surreal. She'd kept Kirstie home from school and close by her side at work. Vic was off in the truck on a call. Seth was at the doctor's after putting too much stress on his recently healed foot looking for Kirstie. Which left her manning the office and taking any fly-out calls with Bo and Kirstie. So far the day had been uneventfully exhausting, just routine exams, vaccines and a case of ear mites.

And an overexcited puppy leaving her a "gift" on the tile.

Paige swiped the mop along the floor, ammonia radiating up and watering her eyes. Bo's voice drifted through the window, closer, louder, along with Kirstie's as they finished rounds through the kennels to walk the dogs.

Of its own will, the mop seemed to swish, swish over the floor faster toward the open window and screen door. Bo and Kirstie settled on the top step, a lone puppy left out and resting on Kirstie's lap.

The little mutt Paige had asked Bo to name.

Kirstie cuddled the dog up under her chin. "Are you gonna take Honey back with you to Charleston?"

Even though she knew the answer to that question, more popped into Paige's mind. How much longer did they have left together before he went? Would she see him again after?

She couldn't envision how, and that made her eyes sting in a way that had nothing to do with ammonia. Her chin dropped to rest on top of her hands propped on the mop handle.

Bo stroked a knuckle over Honey's golden head. "I wish I could, but I can't."

"Mom says I can have one of the puppies. Would you be mad if I kept Honey?"

"I'd be glad to know she had a good home." He angled his head toward Kirstie, late-afternoon sun glinting off the slight curl to his dark hair. "And maybe I could see her sometime if I'm up this way."

"You'll be back?"

"I hope so."

Paige's fingers tightened around the wooden handle. How could she be so thrilled and terrified all at once?

"You still want to be my friend even after I puked on your boots and was kinda cranky when you were around at first?"

"Yes, Kirstie, I'd like to be your friend."

Kirstie hugged the puppy closer, her head dipping to nuzzle his furry softness. "I don't got many friends here."

Paige swallowed down the cotton-wad lump in her throat. Apparently, Kirstie had been holding in a lot of things to keep her mama from being sad.

"Moving can be tough."

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