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Moving Pictures (Discworld 10)

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What?' said Victor.

“'Me Laddie. Me good boy. Good boy Laddie,”' said Gaspode. 'Makes you want to throw up, doesn't it?'

'Yes, but could you leap a six-foot hurdle?' said Victor.

'That's intelligent, is it?' said Gaspode. 'I always walk around - what's that they're doing now?'

'Giving him his lunch, I think.'

'They call that lunch, do they?'

Victor watched Gaspode stroll over and peer into the dog's bowl. Laddie gave him a sideways look. Gaspode barked quietly. Laddie whined. Gaspode barked again.

There was a lengthy exchange of yaps.

Then Gaspode strolled back, and sat down beside Victor.

'Watch this,' he said.

Laddie took the food bowl in his mouth, and turned it upside down.

'Disgustin' stuff,' said Gaspode. 'All tubes and innards. I wouldn't give it to a dog, and I am one.'

'You made him tip out his own dinner?' said Victor, horrified.

'Very obedient lad, I thought,' said Gaspode smugly.

'What a nasty thing to do!'

'Oh, no. I give 'im some advice, too.'

Laddie barked peremptorily at the people clustering around him. Victor heard them muttering.

'Dog don't eat his dinner,' came Detritus' voice, 'dog go hungry.'

'Don't be daft. Mr Dibbler says he's worth more than we are!'

'Perhaps it's not what he's used to. I mean, a posh dog like him an' all. It's a bit yukky, isn't it?'

'It dog food! That what dogs are supposed to eat!'

'Yeah, but is it wonder dog food? What're wonder dogs fed on?'

'Mr Dibbler'll feed you to him if there's any trouble.'

'All right, all right. Detritus, go around to Borgle's. See what he's got. Not the stuff he gives to the usual customers, mind.'

'That IS the stuff he give to usual customers.'

'That's what I mean.'

Five minutes later Detritus trailed back carrying about nine pounds of raw steak. It was dumped in the dog bowl. The trainers looked at Laddie.

Laddie cocked an eye towards Gaspode, who nodded almost imperceptibly.

The big dog put one foot on one end of the steak, took the other end in his mouth, and tore off a lump. Then he padded over the compound and dropped it respectfully in front of Gaspode, who gave it a long, calculating stare.

'Well, I dunno,' he said at last. 'Does that look like ten per cent to you, Victor?'

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