Moving Pictures (Discworld 10) - Page 275

'Just watch where you're putting your feet. Now see what you've done? Didn't I tell you to watch where you were putting your feet? Anyway, come on.'

The wizards skulked, or in the Dean's case, squelched furtively through the backstage area and into the darkened, bustling auditorium, where Windle Poons was keeping some seats free by the simple expedient of waving his stick at anyone who came near them. They sidled in, tripping over one another's legs, and sat down.

They stared at the shadowy grey rectangle at the other end of the hall.

After a while the Chair said, 'Can't see what people see in it, myself.'

'Has anyone done “Deformed Rabbit”?' said the Lecturer in Recent Runes.

'It hasn't started yet,' hissed the Dean.

'I'm hungry,' complained Poons. 'I'm an old man, mm, and I'm hungry.'

'Do you know what he did?' said the Chair. 'Do you know what the old fool did? When a young lady with a torch was showing us to our seats he pinched her on the . . . the fundament!'

Poons sniggered. 'Hubba-hubba! Does your mother know you're out?' he cackled.

'It's all too much for him,' the Chair complained. 'We never should have brought him.'

'Do you realize we're missing our dinner?' said the Dean.

The wizards fell silent at this. A stout woman edging past Poons' wheelchair suddenly started and looked around suspiciously and saw nothing except a dear old man, obviously fast asleep.

'And it's goose on Tuesdays,' said the Dean.

Poons opened one eye and honked the horn on his wheelchair.

'Tantarabobs! How's your granny off for soap!' he muttered triumphantly.

'See what I mean?' said the Chair. 'He doesn't know what century it is.'

Poons turned a beady black eye on him.

'Old I am, mm, and daft I may be,' he said, 'but I ain't goin' to be hungry.' He rummaged around in the unspeakable depths of the wheelchair and produced a greasy black bag. It jingled. 'I saw a young lady up the front a-selling of special moving-picture food,' he said.

'You mean you had money all the time?' said the Dean. 'And you never told us?'

'You never asked,' said Poons.

The wizards stared hungrily at the bag.

'They be having buttered banged grains and sausages in buns and chocolate things with things on and things,' said Poons. He gave them a toothless and crafty look. 'You can have some too, if you like,' he added graciously.

got to admit she's a bit of a corker, though,' said the Chair.

'I'm an old man and if someone doesn't let me see very soon,' said a cracked voice behind them, 'someone's going to be feeling the wrong end of, mm, my stick, all right?'

Two of the wizards edged aside and eased the wheelchair through. Once moving, it coasted right up to the edge of the carpet, bruising any knees or ankles that stood in its way.

Poons' mouth fell open.

Ginger gripped Victor's hand.

'There's a group of fat old men in false beards waving at you over there,' she said through clenched and grinning teeth.

'Yes, I think they're wizards,' Victor grinned back.

'One of them keeps bouncing up and down in his wheelchair and shouting things like “Way-hey!” and “Whoopwhoop!” and “Hubbahubba!” '

Tags: Terry Pratchett Discworld Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024