The Fifth Elephant (Discworld 24) - Page 68


"He"s flat on the floor right now, Sar -  Captain."

"What"s the troll want?"

"Right now he wants to kill someone, but mainly I think he wants someone to take the clamp off"f his foot."

Gaspode ran up and down, nose barely an inch from the ground. Carrot waited, holding his horse. It was a good one. Carrot hadn"t spent a lot of his wages, up until now.

Finally the dog sat down and looked depressed.

"So tell me about this wonderful nose the, Patrician has got, then," he said.

"Not a trace?"

"You"d better get Vetinari down here, if he"s so

good," said Gaspode. "What"s the point of starting here? Worst place in the whole city! It"s the gate to the cattle market, am I right? Trying not to smell stuff is the trick here, is the point I"m makin". There"s ground-in stink. If you wanted to get on the trail of somebody, this is the last place I"d start."

"Very good point," said Carrot carefully. "So, what"s the strongest smell heading Hubwards?"

"Dung carts, o"course. Yesterday. Always a big clear-out of the pens first thing Friday morning."

"You can follow the smell?"

Gaspode rolled his eyes. "With my head in a bucket."

"Good. Let"s go."

"So," said Gaspode, as they began to leave the gate"s bustle behind, "we"re chasing this girl, right?"


"Just you?"


"Not like with dogs, then, where there might be twenty or thirty?"


"So we"re not looking at a bucket of cold water here?"


Constable Shoe saluted, but a little testily. He"d been waiting rather a long time. "Afternoon, Sergeant - "

"That"s Captain," said Captain Colon. "See the pip on my shoulder, Reg?"

Reg looked closely. "I thought it was bird doings, Barge."

"That"s Captain," said Colon automatically. "It"s only chalk now because I ain"t got time to get it done properly," he said. "So don"t be cheeky."

"What"s up with Nobby?" said Reg. Corporal Nobbs was holding a damp cloth over one eye.

"Bit of a contry tomps with an illegally parked troll," said Captain Colon.

"Shows what kind of troll he was, striking a lady," muttered Nobby.

Tags: Terry Pratchett Discworld Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025