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Night Watch (Discworld 29)

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'We don't intend to do that,' said the other monk. 'What could I do, anyway? Go around telling everyone that those loony monks you see in the streets are some kind of time shifters? I'd get locked up! Who are you, anyway?'

'This is Qu,' said Sweeper, nodding at the other monk. 'When the time comes, he'll get you back. But not yet.' Vimes sighed. The anger had drained, leaving only a hopeless, empty feeling. He stared blankly at the strange rockery that occupied most of the garden. It looked oddly familiar. He blinked. 'I've been talking to people today who are going to die,' he said. 'How do you think that makes me feel? Do you know what that feels like?' The monks gave him a puzzled look. 'Er . . . yes,' said Qu. 'We do,' said Sweeper. 'Everyone we talk to is going to die. Everyone you talk to is going to die. Everyone dies.'

'I've been changing things,' said Vimes, and added defensively: 'Well, why shouldn't I? Carcer is! I have no idea how things are going to turn out! I mean, doesn't it change history even if you just tread on an ant?'

'For the ant, certainly,' said Qu. Sweeper waved a hand. 'I told you, Mister Vimes. History finds a way. It's like a shipwreck. You're swimming to the shore. The waves will break whatever you do. Is it not written: “The big sea does not care which way the little fishes swim”? People die in their due time-'

'Keel didn't! Carcer mugged the poor devil!'

'His due time in this present, commander,' said Qu. 'But he will play his part in the other one, Mister Vimes. Eventually. You'll reach the shore. You must. Otherwise-'

'-there's no shore,' said Sweeper. 'No,' said Vimes. 'There's got to be more. I'm not swimming, I'm drowning. It was fun, d'you know? At first? Like a boys' night out? Feeling the street under my boots again? But now . . . what about Sybil? Are my memories real? What I know is she's a girl living with her dad. Is there somewhere where she's my wife, having my child? I mean, really? Is it all in my mind? Can you prove it? Is it happening? Will it happen? What is real?' The monks were silent. Sweeper glanced at Qu, who shrugged. He glanced rather more meaningfully and, this time, Qu made that dismissive little wave of the hand which is someone signifying 'all right, all right, against my better judgement ..." Then Sweeper said: 'Ye-es,' very slowly. 'Yes, I think we can help, commander. You want to know there's a future waiting. You want to hold it in your hand. You want to feel the weight of it. You want one point to navigate by, one point to steer for. Yes. I think we can help you there . . . but . . .'


'But you climb back over that wall and Sergeant Keel plays his part. He sees it through to the end. He gives the orders he feels are right and they will be the right orders. He holds the line. He does the job.'

'He's not the only one,' said Vimes. 'Yes, Commander Vimes has a job in hand, too.'

'Don't worry, I'm not leaving Carcer behind,' growled Vimes. 'Good. We'll be in touch.' Vimes tossed the stump of his cigar aside, and looked up at the wall. 'All right,' he said. 'I'll see it through. But when the time comes-'

'We will be ready,' said Sweeper. 'Just so long as you-' He stopped. There was another subtle sound, scaly in its way, a sort of silicon slither. 'My goodness,' said Qu. Vimes looked down. The cigar butt still smouldered. But around it the Garden of Inner City Tranquillity was moving, pebble sliding over tiny pebble. A large, water- rounded rock floated gently around, spinning. And then Vimes became aware that the whole garden was spinning, turning on the little wisp of smoke. A spent match sailed past, rolling from stone to stone like a scrap of food passed from ant to ant.

'Is it meant to do that?' he said. 'In theory, yes,' said Sweeper. 'I should leave right now, Mister Vimes.' Vimes took one last look at the moving garden, shrugged, and then heaved himself over the wall. The two monks stared. The tide of little stones was gently pushing the stub into the centre. 'Astonishing,' said Qu. 'He's part of the pattern now. I don't know how you manage it.'

'I'm not doing it,' said Sweeper. 'Qu, can we-'

'No more time shifting,' said Qu. 'It's caused enough trouble.'

'Fair enough,' said Sweeper. Then I'll need to send out search parties. The fences, the bent jewellers, the pawnshops . . . we'll find it. I understand our friend. The job's not enough. He needs one real thing. And I know what it is.' They looked again at the turning, shifting garden, and felt the fingers of history spreading out and into the world. Vimes tried not to run back to the Watch House, because too many people were standing around in nervous groups and even a running uniform could be risky. Besides, you didn't run for officers. He was a sergeant. Sergeants walked with a measured tread. To his mild surprise, the men were still out in the yard. Someone had even hung up the swordsmanship targets, which would certainly be helpful if the watchmen were faced with an enemy who was armless and tied to a pole. He climbed the stairs. The captain's door was open, and he saw that the new man had repositioned his desk so that he could see out on to the landing and down the stairs. Not a good sign, not a good sign at all. An officer shouldn't see what was going on, he should rely on his sergeants to tell him what was going on. That way things ran smoothly. This man was keen. Oh, dear . . . The new captain looked up. Oh, good grief, Vimes thought. It's bloody Rust this time round! And it was indeed the Hon. Ronald Rust, the gods' gift to the enemy, any enemy, and a walking encouragement to desertion. The Rust family had produced great soldiers, by the undemanding standards of 'Deduct your own casualties from those of the enemy, and if the answer is a positive number, it was a glorious victory' school of applied warfare. But Rust's lack of any kind of military grasp was matched only by his high opinion of the talent he in fact possessed only in negative amounts.

It hadn't been Rust last time. He vaguely remembered some other dim captain. All these little changes . . . what would they add up to? I bet he's only just been made a captain, thought Vimes. Just think of the lives I could save by accidentally cutting his head off now. Look at those blue eyes, look at that stupid curly moustache. And he's only going to get worse. 'Are you Keel?' The voice was a bark. 'Yessir.'

'I sent an order for you to come up here an hour ago, man.'

'Yessir. But I've been on duty all night and morning and there's been rather a lot to attend to-'

'I expect an order to be obeyed promptly, sergeant.'

'Yessir. So do I, sir. That's why-'

'Discipline starts at the top, sergeant. The men obey you, you obey me, I obey my superiors.'

'Glad to hear it, sir.' Rust had the same firm grip of common politeness, too. 'What is all that going on in the yard?' Vimes steered according to the prevailing wind . . . 'A bit of morale building, sir. Instilling a bit of esprit de corps.' . . . and hit a reef. Rust raised his eyebrows. 'Why?' he said. 'The men's job is to do what they are told, as is yours. A group hug is not part of the arrangement, is it?'

'A bit of camaraderie helps the job along, sir. In my experience.'

'Are you eyeballing me. Keel?'

'No, sir. I am wearing an expression of honest doubt, sir. “Eyeballing” is four steps up, right after “looking at you in a funny way”, sir. By standard military custom and practice, sir, sergeants are allowed to go all the way up to an expression of acute-'

'What's that pip over your stripes, man?'

'Means sergeant-at-arms, sir. They were a special kind of copper.' The captain grunted, and glanced at the papers in front of him. 'Lord Winder has received an extraordinary request that you be promoted to lieutenant, sergeant. It has come from Captain Swing of the Particulars. And his lordship listens to Captain Swing. Oh, and he wants you to be transferred to the Particulars. Personally, I think the man is mad.'

'I'm one hundred per cent behind you there, sir.'

'You do not wish to be a lieutenant?'

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