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Thud! (Discworld 34)

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That"s right, Angua thought, think of her. I"ve dealt with blood every day. Walk a mile in my nostrils!

"Old blood will not be a problem, sir," said Sally. "There"s some in here. But there"s-"

"I expect they"ve set up a morgue," said Carrot quickly. "The death rites are quite complex."

Morgue? A home away from home for you, my dear! snarled Angua"s inner wolf.

The vurms were spreading out now, crawling across the wall with a purpose.

She crouched down to bring her nose nearer to the floor. I can smell dwarfs, lots of dwarfs, Angua thought. Hard to smell trolls, especially underground. Blood on the club, like a flower. Dwarf smell on the club, but there"s dwarf smell everywhere. I can smellHang on, that"s familiar ...

The floor mostly smelled of slime and loam. Carrot"s footprints showed up, and so did hers. There was a lot of dwarf smell, and she could still just make out the smell of their concern. This is where they found the body, then? But this patch of mud here, this was different. It had been trodden into the floor, but it smelled just like

the heavy clay from up around Quarry Lane. Who lived in Quarry Lane? Most of the trolls in Ankh-Morpork.

A clue.

She smiled in the dwindling darkness. And the trouble with clues, as Mister Vimes always said, was that they were so easy to make. You could walk around with a pocket full of the bloody things.

The darkness was disappearing because the light was growing. Angua looked up.

There was a huge, bright symbol on the wall where Carrot had touched it. He dragged some meat across it, she thought. They"ve turned up for the feast ...

Ardent came back in, with Helmclever trailing after him.

He got as far as: "The door here can be opened again but, alas, we-" and stopped.

They were happy vurms. By the standards of greeny-white glow, they were brilliant. Behind Carrot there was now a gently glowing circle, with two diagonal lines slashed through it. Both the dwarfs stared at it as if in shock.

"Well, let"s take a look, shall we?" said Carrot, apparently oblivious of all this.

"We, alas, the water ... water ... not entirely watertight ... the other doors ... the troll caused flooding. .:Ardent murmured, not taking his eyes off the glow.

"But you say we can go through here, at least?" said Carrot politely, pointing to the sealed door.

"Er, yes. Yes. Certainly."

The steward hurried forward and produced a key. The wheel, unlocked, turned easily. Angua was acutely aware of how the muscles on Carrot"s bare arms glistened and pumped as he pulled the metal door open.

Oh no, not yet, surely! She ought to have at least another day! It was the vampire, that"s what it was, standing there looking so innocent. Bits of her body wanted her to become a wolf, right now, to defend herself... stopped dead, and looked down at the coat over his shoulders. It was of some silvery fur, beautifully warm, but not as warm as the rage rising within him. He"d nearly walked out wearing it. He"d come that close.

He shrugged it off and wrapped it into a ball. Quite probably several dozen small rare squeaky things had died to make this, but he could see to it that their deaths were not, in some small way, in vain.

He threw the bundle high in the air, yelled "Sergeant!", and threw himself on to the floor. There was the instant slap of the bow, a sound as of a swarm of maddened bees, the plinkplinkplink of arrow fragments turning a circle of metal roof into a colander, and the smell of burnt hair.

Vimes got to his feet. What was falling around him was a kind of

hairy snow.

He met Chrysoprase"s gaze. "Trying to bribe a Watch officer is a

serious offence," he said.

The troll winked. "Honest like anyt"ing, I tell "em. Nice to have dis

little talk, Mister Vimes."

When they were well outside Vimes pulled Detritus into an alley,

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