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Sad Cypress (Hercule Poirot 22)

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rt since the beginning of these proceedings?”

“Yes, I have.”

“Have you seen this Mary Riley—or Draper—in court?”


“Where did you see her?”

“Giving evidence in this box.”

“Under what name?”

“Jessie Hopkins.”

“And you are quite sure that this Jessie Hopkins is the woman you know as Mary Riley or Draper?”

“Not a doubt of it.”

A slight commotion at the back of the court.

“When did you last see Mary Draper—until today?”

“Five years ago. She went to England.”

Sir Edwin said with a bow:

“Your witness.”

Sir Samuel, rising with a slightly perplexed face, began:

“I suggest to you, Mrs.—Sedley, that you may be mistaken.”

“I’m not mistaken.”

“You may have been misled by a chance resemblance.”

“I know Mary Draper well enough.”

“Nurse Hopkins is a certificated District Nurse.”

“Mary Draper was a hospital nurse before her marriage.”

“You understand, do you not, that you are accusing a Crown witness of perjury?”

“I understand what I’m saying.”


“Edward John Marshall, you lived for some years in Auckland, New Zealand, and now reside at 14 Wren Street, Deptford?”

“That’s right.”

“Do you know Mary Draper?”

“I’ve known her for years in New Zealand.”

“Have you seen her today in court?”

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