Golden Chances (Jordan-Alexander Family 1) - Page 50

“That’s beside the point.”

“I wasn’t talking about Joy,” Reese told her. “I w

as referring to the child you may be carrying inside you, at this very moment.”

Faith tried to step back, away from him, but the door to the pink bedroom stopped her. “I’m not carrying your child.”

“How do you know that?” Reese asked.

“I just know,” Faith insisted stubbornly.

“Did you do something to prevent conception?” His face was taut, his eyes narrowed, dangerously. “Did you do something this morning?” He wanted to shake her. He moved forward but caught himself before he touched her.

“No, I?” she began.

“Then how do you know? Answer me.”

“Because she’s carrying me,” Joy piped up, staring up at her hero with big, silvery-gray eyes almost identical to Faith’s. “Faith’s not big enough to carry two little girls.”

Joy’s innocent words dissolved some of the tension gripping them.

Though he tried hard to maintain his anger, the corners of Reese’s mouth turned up slightly. He and Faith had been so caught up in their battle, they had forgotten Joy.

She was a perceptive five-year-old, equipped with sharp eyes and ears.

He would remember that in the future. He touched Joy on the tip of her turned-up nose. “You’re absolutely right, sprite.” He reached for her and Joy held out her arms. He took her from Faith and set her on his feet. “Why don’t we walk to breakfast? You’re getting a little too big for Faith to carry.”

“Because she’s carrying your child?” Joy asked, solemnly repeating the phrase she’d heard Reese use.

“Something like that.” His brown-eyed gaze met Faith’s. His eyes held a silent warning, as if he dared her to open her mouth and protest.

She took her chances. “I don’t want to go to breakfast with you.” Her voice was soft, yet firm. She was prepared to stand her ground.

“But you will.” Reese’s full lips were pulled into a tight, disapproving line.

“No, Mr. Jordan, I won’t.” Faith refused to budge.

“Suit yourself.” He sounded nonchalant, but his unyielding stance indicated otherwise. “Stay here if you like, but Joy and I are going to breakfast.”

“Joy is not going with you.”

He looked down at the child holding his hand. “Are you hungry, sprite?”

Joy nodded.

Faith offered Joy a hand. “Come on, Joy, we’re getting off. We’re going back to Richmond.”

Joy stayed where she was. “I’m hungry.”

“We can eat on the train to Richmond,” Faith explained.

“Is Weese going with us?”

“No, Mr. Jordan is staying here on this train.”

“Will I have my woom on the train to Wichmond?”

“No, sweetie, we sit on benches like we did the first time.” She stepped closer to take Joy by the hand.

Tags: Rebecca Hagan Lee Jordan-Alexander Family Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024