Golden Chances (Jordan-Alexander Family 1) - Page 60

The man standing beside Reese spoke to Faith. “Our family believes in indulging its children. It gives them a measure of confidence to know we want them to be happy.”

Faith straightened and stood to greet Reese’s companions.

“Faith, I’d like you to meet my uncle, Charlie Alexander. Charlie, this is Faith.” Reese performed the introduction, smiling fondly at his uncle.

The young man cleared his throat.

Reese chuckled. “And this is my cousin, Sam, David’s younger brother.” He clapped Sam on the back, pushing him forward a little.

Faith studied Reese’s uncle and cousin. She looked at Reese, then back at his relatives. There was a strong family resemblance. But these men were Alexanders, not Jordans. Reese apparently favored his mother’s side of the family. Faith glanced back at Charlie and Sam, taking note of the similarities to Reese. The Alexanders were handsome men, but there were subtle differences. Reese was taller than Sam and Charlie. His eyes were a lighter shade of brown, his nose straighter, his shoulders a fraction wider, his skin a lighter bronze.

Reese watched Faith, his full, sensual mouth flattened into a tight, disapproving line. His cocoa-colored eyes, narrowed angrily, warily. It wouldn’t take long now. He braced himself for her reaction.

She smiled at Reese’s uncle, her gray eyes, clear and shining with friendship. She extended her gloved hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Alexander, and you”?she turned to Sam?“Mr. Alexander. I met your brother in Washington. I liked him very much.”

Charlie stared at her gloved hand for a moment before he accepted it. “You’re southern.”

“Yes, sir. Joy and I are from Richmond,” Faith said.

“I was born and raised in the north Georgia mountains,” Charlie told her, patting her hand, before releasing it.

“North Georgia? How in the world did you come to settle way out here?” She stopped, suddenly, remembering the war. Lots of southern men had migrated west. She frowned at her thoughtlessness. She’d lived with the war for eight long years and one short week on a train with Reese had made her forget all about it.

“We came overland in ‘thirty-eight. It was a long, hard journey. We settled for a while in the Indian Territory, then followed Reese’s father here before the war,” Charlie volunteered.

Faith turned to look at Reese. “You never mentioned your father. Is he still here?”

“He died during the war,” Reese said flatly.

“I’m sorry,” Faith whispered.

Reese shrugged. “Come on, sprite.” He hoisted Joy onto his shoulders. “Let’s get the wagon loaded and get some breakfast. I’m starving.” He walked toward the railroad car. A wagon and a buggy were hitched nearby. Two men were busy loading the wagon with furniture from Reese’s private car.

“What about my pony?” Joy asked.

“After breakfast. How about joining us for breakfast, Uncle Charlie? Sam?” Reese said.

Charlie smiled at Sam. When Reese complained of starving, it was a sure sign he’d spent a busy night.

“We ate before the train pulled in,” Sam said.

“You take the ladies to breakfast, Reese,” Charlie suggested. “We’ll load your belongings and pick up supplies. Then we can see about the little lady’s pony.”

“Goody!” Joy shrieked.

Reese turned to grab Faith’s elbow. “Come on, Faith, let’s eat. It’s an hour’s ride to the ranch.”

* * *

Three hours later, Reese helped Faith and Joy into the buggy. He hitched a fat, shaggy-coated Shetland pony named Brutus to the back of the buggy and climbed up beside them.

The two ranch hands occupied the wagon seat, while Charlie and Sam trotted on horseback alongside the buggy. The little convoy pulled out onto the street headed west, toward the Trail T ranch. The sturdy, wooden vehicle was piled high with trunks, carpetbags, toys, supplies for the ranch, and furniture. Faith was stunned when she saw everything the wagon held.

“Reese, they took the bed out of your railroad car and loaded it onto the wagon,” she pointed out.

“I know,” Reese answered. “I told them to.”

“Why? Don’t you need a bed on the train?” Faith was puzzled.

Tags: Rebecca Hagan Lee Jordan-Alexander Family Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024