Golden Chances (Jordan-Alexander Family 1) - Page 67

“Are you certain about this?” Reese wanted to know.


“Good,” Mary announced, “Joy can start in the morning. Faith, you can join us in the afternoon for languages.”

The decision made, Faith worked at blending her life, and Joy’s, into the everyday routine of the ranch. She spent her mornings learning the workings of the main house. She stood through hours of dress fittings while the seamstress Reese brought from Cheyenne measured, pinned, and stitched a suitable wardrobe for her. She selected patterns, fabrics, and notions and set to work on a wardrobe for Joy, including a gray

corduroy to be used for a riding habit.

Though she longed for the opportunity to be smartly outfitted aboard a horse, Faith omitted a riding habit for herself. She didn’t have a horse to ride and couldn’t bring herself to ask for one. But as long as weather permitted, she never missed an opportunity to participate in Joy’s riding lessons.

Faith balked the first time she realized Charlie was teaching Joy to ride astride. She stood at the edge of the corral watching while he held the pony on a lead, coaxing him through his gaits.

“She needs a proper saddle.” Faith told him. “A little girl’s saddle.”

Charlie shook his head. “Side saddle’s too dangerous.”

“That’s ridiculous. I learned to ride in a lady’s saddle. I’ve ridden that way all my life.”

“In Richmond?”


“You can stay alive in a sidesaddle in Richmond.” Charlie said. “But out here, it’ll get you killed.”


“Faith, let me teach the youngun to ride Western style first. Then if you still want her to know how, we’ll teach her the proper way.”

Faith looked at Joy bouncing on the back of the fat pony, skirts flying. Her blond braids moving from side to side in rhythm to the pony’s trot. “Look at me, Faith! I’m riding Brutus!” Joy waved and almost lost her seat as Brutus trotted a bit faster. She giggled.

“Keep both hands on the reins, lass.” Charlie warned, “Else you’ll be dusting off your skirts.”

Joy giggled in reply, but dutifully placed her hand back on the reins.

Faith remembered her own riding lessons. The constant striving for perfection. The straight back, perfect seat, the hours of torture as she strove to maintain her balance on her proper ladies saddle. Joy looked carefree. She enjoyed her sessions. Surely, that was more important right now than propriety. For a moment, she was envious. Riding astride looked fun.

She smiled at Charlie. “We’ll teach her the Western style first.”

Charlie reined in the fat, little pony. “That’s enough for today, lass. Time to wash up for breakfast.”

Joy protested. “I hafta groom Brutus.”

“You go get ready.” Faith told her. “I’ll groom Brutus for you.”

Charlie raised an eyebrow.

“I don’t mind.” Faith said. “I’ll enjoy the chance to spend time in a stable again.”

Charlie lifted Joy off the pony and swung her into his arms. “Let’s go, lassie. Mary’ll be after me with her ruler if you’re late for school.”

Faith led the shaggy pony back to the barn.

Reese found her there a little while later, seated astride the pony, her toes almost touching the ground as she trotted up and down the length of the barn. Faith’s back was to him. She was laughing at Brutus’s futile attempts to dislodge her as he scrubbed his side against one of the stalls.

“It will take more than that to get me off, you mean little imp.” Faith warned. “I’ve kept my seat on better mounts than you.”

“What a picture that conjures up.” Reese said.

Tags: Rebecca Hagan Lee Jordan-Alexander Family Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024