Golden Chances (Jordan-Alexander Family 1) - Page 74

“I think I can manage.” Faith told him. Her face had regained most of its color. She looked much better. She rolled out of bed, and reached for a dress.

Reese handed her a dressing gown. “No need to get completely dressed. You can come down to breakfast in your robe this morning.”

“I’m not going down to breakfast in my dressing gown.”

Ignoring her protests, Reese swept her off her feet and into his arms.

“And you certainly aren’t going to carry me down!”

Her words turned out to be prophetic.

The smell of fried steak and eggs hit her nostrils before Reese was halfway down the stairs. The blood drained from her face. She swallowed, hard, muttered a strangled, “Reese!” then clamped her jaws firmly shut.

Reese bolted back up the stairs. Once, again, she barely made it to the basin.

“I guess breakfast is out.” Reese

murmured, as he tucked her back into bed.

“You go,” she urged, burrowing into the covers.

“If you’re sure?”

“Go.” Faith managed the one word.

Reese leaned over and touched her cheek. “Sleep. I’ll send up some tea and toast, later.”

Faith groaned.

The other members of the family were already seated when Reese entered the dining room.

“What was all the ruckus?” Charlie asked, “We heard you run up the stairs. Where’s Faith?”

“Faith isn’t feeling well this morning.” Reese announced.

The men seated at the table looked at one another, then at Sarah. She nodded, meaningfully. Charlie smiled, walked over to Reese, and slapped him on the back. “Congratulations!”

Reese started to protest, but his grandfather’s actions stopped him. Duncan pushed back his chair and raised his coffee cup, “I think we might have a wee nip of Scots whisky with our coffee.” He looked to his wife, Elizabeth, for approval. She nodded. “This is a day of celebration. Soon, we’ll be welcoming another member of this family into the world.” A noticeable burr accented his words. “We must plan the formal celebration!”

Faith was oblivious to the excitement downstairs. She curled up and slept, believing her secret safe for a little while longer.

Chapter Twenty-one

It seemed that everyone living on the Trail T threw themselves into the preparations for the upcoming celebration. Although, she wasn’t involved in the actual planning of the party, Faith had been twice as busy as usual seeing to Reese’s comfort and overseeing the household details. Everything had to be perfect for Faith’s introduction to Reese’s friends and associates, many of whom were traveling great distances to attend.

The celebration at the Trail T Ranch would be the highlight of the Wyoming social season. And although she wasn’t really looking forward to it, Faith knew Reese was, and she thought it a shame David would miss it. He sent his congratulations and apologies, but business in Washington had detained him.

The night of the party was clear and cool, a beautiful, early spring evening. The lamps sent a pool of golden light spilling out of every window in the main house. A fire roared in the stone fireplace to chase the chill away. The carpets had been rolled up in the dining room and in the main parlor and the connecting doors opened, to allow room for dancing. A small orchestra, brought in from Chicago for the occasion, sat at one end of the room. A buffet table, groaning under the weight of the food and drink, lined the far wall.

Reese escorted Faith to the landing at the top of the stairs. He paused so Faith could get a bird’s eye view of the illustrious gathering. She was nervous. He could feel her cold hands through her dyed kid gloves.

“It’s all right,” he murmured, his gaze slowly caressing her. “You look beautiful.”

“I do?”

He grinned, allowing her to read his face, the smoldering desire lighting his brown eyes. Reese nodded. “I do like that dress.”

“I thought you must,” Faith told him, her gray eyes shimmering, “when you asked me to wear it.”

Tags: Rebecca Hagan Lee Jordan-Alexander Family Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024