Golden Chances (Jordan-Alexander Family 1) - Page 76

Kevin smiled. He was a devilishly handsome man. He had black hair, lightly sprinkled with gray. His face was sun-bronzed, his dazzling, dark blue eyes framed by a web of lines. Black Irish, Faith thought, conjuring the phrase from the depths of her memory.

His blue eyes were sparkling with merriment as he looked at Reese. “If the rumors I’m hearing are true, I’d guess she’s expecting a baby.”

Reese stopped, “That’s why she fainted?”

“Could be. I’ll know more if you’ll be quiet and let me examine her.” He told Reese, “You always were an impatient cuss. Go wait outside in the hall, if you please.”

“I don’t please.” Reese said bluntly.

“Then keep quiet while I examine her.” Doctor McMurphy questioned Faith as he worked. He asked about her eating and sleeping habits, daily routine, morning sickness, and her routine prior to the party. Faith answered as truthfully as possible.

“How old are you?” Kevin asked Faith.

She didn’t answer.

“Twenty-three.” Reese answered for her.

“You’re thirty-one.” Kevin told Reese. “I know how old you are. I’m asking your wife. Pipe down.” He studied Faith’s downcast eyes. “This is no time for vanity. Are you twenty-three?”

Faith didn’t look at Reese when she answered. She couldn’t meet his eyes. “I’ll be twenty-five in five days.”

“What?” Reese burst out.

“I said, pipe down.” Kevin reminded him. He poked and prodded a few minutes longer, then tucked the sheets back around Faith.

“Well?” Reese demanded, when Kevin finished the examination.

“She’s pregnant.” Kevin confirmed. “About three months along, give or take a couple of weeks.”

Reese relaxed in his chair. “That’s it?”

Kevin focused his sharp gaze on Reese. “No, that’s not it.” His voice was as sharp as the look in his eyes. “She’s tired, she’s not sleeping or eating well enough, she’s suffering morning sickness, her legs and ankles are swollen, she’s a tiny bit older than most first-time mothers.” He softened his gaze as he looked at his patient, “She’s also bleeding and she has no business riding around on a horse or dancing around the room trussed up in a damned, whalebone cage!”

“Bleeding?” Reese echoed, alarm darkening his eyes.

“Just a bit. Probably nothing to be alarmed about, but more than I’d like in any case. We’ll keep you in bed a while and use the time to fatten you up a bit,” he told Faith.

“How long?” Faith fastened her gray gaze on the doctor’s face.

“Until I’m sure this baby’s going to stay anchored. He’s a bit young to be making an appearance this soon.” Kevin frowned at the rapid whitening of her face.

“Are you saying my baby’s in danger?” Faith’s eyes seemed much too large for her face.

“I’m saying he could be in danger,” he corrected, “Keeping you off your feet for a week or two is a precaution. You follow my instructions and we’ll deliver ourselves a healthy baby. Understand?”

He looked first at Reese, then back at Faith.

“We understand.” Faith answered for both of them.

“Good. Now, you get some rest. I’m going back downstairs to the party. I’ll check on you tomorrow.” He motioned to Reese.

Reese nodded, then bent down and pressed a kiss to Faith’s lips. “I’ll be back up in a little while,” he promised before following Kevin out of the bedroom.

“How is she really?” Reese asked as soon as they stepped out into the hall. “Is the bleeding serious?”

“Probably not,” Kevin answered, “But I would rather not take chances. That means she’s to stay in bed. I don’t want her on her feet until the danger is past. And Reese,” The doctor’s sharp blue gaze bore into Reese, “If you can’t keep your hands off her at night, then for her sake, and the baby’s, stay out of her bed.”

Reese nodded, his expression grim.

Tags: Rebecca Hagan Lee Jordan-Alexander Family Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024