Golden Chances (Jordan-Alexander Family 1) - Page 82

David smiled at the memory. Virtuous Jessup had pitched a fit over that prospect.

“Temperance Hamilton, you can’t be seriously considering traveling all the way to Wyoming alone with him?” Virtuous had asked, outraged.

“Faith is ill,” Temperance calmly replied.

“But what will everyone think? He’s so dark and a Yankee to boot.”

“I don’t care what anyone thinks. My…Faith needs me.” Tempy was adamant. “I’d travel with General Sherman and a whole band of Yankees to be with Faith.” Tempy’s hand flew up to cover her mouth, suddenly cognizant of the fact that David Alexander was privy to the heated exchange. “No offense intended, Mr. Alexander.”

“None taken, ma’am.” David inclined his head.

“Well, you were never one to care much for proprieties.” Virtuous sneered. “First, an Irishman, and now, a Yankee!”

“Virt!” Hannah and Agnes gasped in horror.

Tempy blanched at her sister’s unexpected attack, but stood her ground. “And I won’t care much for proprieties when I trounce you in front of Mr. Alexander, either, Virtuous May! Now, get out of my way. I’m tired of arguing with you. You’re wasting my time.” Tempy picked up her bag. “Do keep in mind while I’m gone,”—she smiled sweetly at her older sister—“that if something happens to Faith, the money you’re so pleased with will be forfeit. Think about that, Virt, while I worry about your niece!” Tempy had pushed past her sister and followed David Alexander out the door.

Temperance Hamilton was small, petite in stature, just like her niece, but David now understood where Faith’s temper came from. She had inherited it from Temperance. He smiled at the irony of that. He’d become quite fond of Faith’s aunt.

“There he is!” Her cry of recognition brought David back to the present. “Joy’s with him and… Oh, dear Lord, she’s got on a black coat! I hope Faith…” She leaped down from the car to the platform, pushing through the startled onlookers in her frenzied haste to reach Reese.

David was just a few steps behind her. He had spent the better part of the journey assuring Temperance that Faith was fine, but the older woman was convinced Faith was seriously ill. She had repeatedly reminded David of her niece’s sick spell before departing Washington. David had done his best to persuade her, but apparently, he’d failed. Miserably.

“Faith? Is she…?” Tempy burst out, colliding with Reese’s hard chest as he stepped down from the surrey.

Reese’s hands reached out to steady the woman. Her eyes were wide, bright, and frantic with worry. Her gaze darted about his face, searching for the truth. Her heart hammered against his chest, her breasts heaving with exertion.

“She’s resting. At the ranch,” Reese said softly.

“Thank God!” Temperance slumped against him in relief.

“Didn’t you get my telegram?” Holding the woman close, Reese glanced over her head to find David standing behind her.

“Yes,” David replied. “I even showed it to her, but she was concerned about her niece.”

“I can see that,” Reese said dryly.

“The little girl is wearing a black coat. Miss Hamilton thought…” David elaborated.

“It’s her warmest.” Reese explained. “I never dreamed…” He looked down at the older woman. She had regained her breath and most of her composure. “I apologize to you, Miss Hamilton, for giving you such a fright. Faith is fine. In fact, she’s much better.”

Temperance managed a weak smile. Mr. Jordan’s gaze was warm, even tender, the frown between his brows confirming his genuine concern.

Reese gave Tempy his best smile of assurance, then turned to Joy. “Say hello to your aunt, sprite.” He lifted Tempy up to sit beside Joy.

Joy hugged Temperance, then began bombarding her with all the news of the ranch.

“Climb in,” Reese told David. “I’ll see to the luggage.”

“We left in a hurry,” David said. “We each brought only one bag. I told Miss Hamilton she could buy whatever she needed when she got here.”

“Fine,” Reese agreed. “I’ll get your bags and we’ll be on our way. I need to make one stop before we leave town.?


Tempy interrupted Joy’s nonstop chatter. “Is that necessary, Mr. Jordan? I don’t mean to pry, but I’m anxious to see my…niece.” She leaned forward.

Reese grinned, then turned his charming smile on Temperance Hamilton. “Very necessary. Today is Faith’s birthday, and in addition to you, I have a couple of other gifts to pick up.”

Tags: Rebecca Hagan Lee Jordan-Alexander Family Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024