Golden Chances (Jordan-Alexander Family 1) - Page 86

“How could I?” Faith countered, wondering why Reese had decided to interrogate her. “She only mentioned him once or twice. She knew him as Kevin O’Malley, not Doctor Kevin McMurphy. Why are you questioning me? What difference does it make to you?”

“Not a bit,” Reese admitted. “But it might make a lot of difference to you. You might decide to change your mind about…things.” He emphasized the last word, forgetting the curious friends and relatives gathered around, forgetting everything except this unexpected wrinkle in his well-laid plan.

“What things?” Faith demanded to know. “Why should it make a difference to me? It’s fine with me as long as Aunt Tempy is happy.”

“Why don’t we discuss this later?” David, suddenly understanding the drift of the conversation, smoothly interrupted.

Reese ignored him. “Kevin mentioned marriage.” He leaned closer to Faith to emphasize his point. “That means settling down. It means your beloved aunt might be my closest neighbor. It means you might want to visit her someday.”

“Well, of course, I’ll want to”—Faith stopped, suddenly remembering—“visit.” The word died on her lips. If Tempy decided to marry Kevin and stay in Wyoming, visiting would be out of the question. The contract explicitly forbade Faith to venture anywhere near the Trail T, Reese, or the baby. She sat back in her chair, stunned. She might lose Tempy as well as the baby. “Oh, no!” she whispered.

“Isn’t it wonderful?” Mary asked, reentering the dining room. “Two romances on one ranch. First, Reese and Faith, and now, Temperance and Doctor Kevin!”

“It’s just grand,” Reese retorted dryly.

He couldn’t help but think about how Kevin and Temperance were spending their private minutes alone. He wanted to do the same thing. He wanted to swing Faith up into his arms and carry her off to bed. Sleep was the last thing on his mind. And he sure as hell didn’t feel like celebrating.

“I think it is grand,” Mary repeated. “Two weddings and a new baby coming. All in one year! We should celebrate. It’s Faith’s birthday! It’s time to...”

“Cut the cake,” Joy said loudly. “I want some birfday cake. Weese, you promised!”

He looked pointedly at Faith. “Ask your sister, sprite,” he advised Joy. “It’s her birthday and her cake.”

Joy turned her hopeful expression on Faith. “Can we please cut the cake? I want some birfday cake.”

Faith hesitated, but she couldn’t disappoint Joy or the other children who had waited patiently to taste the sweet dessert. “Why not?” she capitulated. “Sarah, if you’ll pass me a knife, I’ll do the honors.” Sarah handed her a knife. “Do you think we ought to save a couple of pieces for Dr. Kevin and Aunt Tempy? Or, wait for them to come down?” She asked Reese.

“Just cut the cake.”

“But they might want…” The hostess in Faith and the years of Southern training protested this lack of manners.

“Faith,” Reese began before Joy decided the matter.

“Aunt Tempy!” Joy shouted at the top of her lungs. “Dr. Kevin! Faith is going to cut her birfday cake! Are you coming down? Or do you want us to save you a piece?”

“That settles that,” David interjected, moving to stand beside his mother.

But it didn’t. Joy wasn’t taking any chances. She demanded an answer. “Aunt Tempy! Doctor—”

“We’re right here, lassie.” Kevin spoke from the stairs. “We hear you.”

“The whole ranch heard her,” Sam declared with a fifteen-year-old’s wisdom. “She probably started a cattle stampede.”

“Did not!” Joy argued.

“Did too!” Sam forgot his dignity and argued back.

“Children!” Mary chided.

Sam turned to look at his sister, mortified because she’d called him a child in front of the others. He opened his mouth to protest.

Tempy walked over to Faith who sat, knife poised above the cake. “Faith, darling, we apologize for interrupting your birthday celebration.” She glanced over her shoulder at Kevin. He winked at her. “Why don’t you cut the cake now, before—”

“Before Joy pitches a fit,” Sam muttered.

“Or this happy family occasion turns into a brawl,” David added as Joy stuck her tongue out at Sam.

Sam retaliated by swatting Joy’s bottom.

Tags: Rebecca Hagan Lee Jordan-Alexander Family Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024