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Something Borrowed (Jordan-Alexander Family 3)

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"What's wrong with asking Reese to send money? It's ours."

"It's yours. And I don't mind you spending your money to supply the school if that's what you want to do with it, but I don't want you spending your money on this house," Lee reminded her.

"But the school's in the house."

"Yes, but all this redecorating is expensive. You'll run through your annual allowance in no time flat."

"But Lee, I want to contribute. It's not my money, it's our money and our house."

"You do contribute. And besides," he said, "I've got money, loads of it, just sitting in bank accounts drawing interest. I need someone to spend it on. And I'll be happy if you'll oblige me by letting me pay the bills."

"You're welcome to pay the bills, my love," Mary told him. "Believe me, I'm relieved to know you're loaded with cash. I didn't know how we were going to make ends meet on your Pinkerton pay and after you quit… The mine still isn't open and frankly, I wasn't sure how much longer I could afford to support the town. I've been worrying about it for months."

"'Mary Two-shot, all you had to do was go to the bank and get a draft on my account."

"I didn't know you had an account."

"I opened one the day after your birthday."

"All this time I've been worrying, wondering if I should telegraph Reese again, and you had money sitting in the bank?"

"Yes. And all you have to do from now on is walk into the bank and sign a draft for however much you need."

Mary snorted. "Easier said than done."

"What do you mean?"

Mary sighed, knowing she'd said too much, yet also knowing Lee would not stop asking questions until he got an answer. "I'm not allowed to enter the Ajax Saloon, Bank, and Assayer's Office of Utopia, Colorado Territory."

"Who told you that?" Lee said. "I see ladies going in and out of there every single day."

"You don't see half-breed Indians going in the bank ever."

"You can't go in because… ?"

"Because I'm part Indian and Hugh Morton hates Indians." Mary smiled at him. "Fortunately for us, he has nothing against handsome Irishmen."

Lee was confused. "But I thought you have an account there. I've seen you pay bills with Ajax bank drafts."

"I do have an account there. I can keep my money in his bank, I just can't go in to use it. He doesn't have anything against money, just certain people."

"Then how did you open an account? How do you do your banking?"

"Syl does it. That's how we met and became friends. I couldn't go into the Ajax to open an account and Syl offered to do it for me."

"Silver Delight?"

"Sylvia," Mary corrected. "Sylvia Delight."

Lee laughed. "Does Morton know the town madam does your banking for you?"

Mary shrugged her shoulders. "I doubt it. Syl banks for several other women as well."

"Syl banks for her girls, Mary. I'd be willing to bet that the only woman Syl banks for besides herself and her girls is you."

"Maybe so, but that doesn't matter to me," Mary said, "as long as I have access to our money. Wait, what are you doing?" She watched as Lee quickly rolled up the line on his fishing pole.

"Keep an eye on Judah and Maddy for me," he instructed. "I'll be back in a little while."

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