Blind Date (A Why Choose Romance) - Page 36

“I find that hard to believe. You must be swamped with offers from guys.”

I laughed. “So many offers come my way that sometimes I have to go to dinner with two guys at once just to satisfy them all.

“And you live where?”

“Well, strangely enough, I have a tiny apartment above The Ugly Duckling. It has a separate door; I don’t have to walk through the bar to get home. But at least I don’t have far to walk.”

“After dinner, we’ll have to walk you home.”

“Unless you want to go for a drink somewhere?”

“Oh no, it’s late, and we all have work tomorrow.”

“We do. But we don’t have to go directly home just yet if you want to invite us in.”

Did I want to invite them in?

Well, it turned out that I’d had a really nice time with the twins. I didn’t mind inviting them in and continuing things at home.



We circled her like two hungry sharks.

I could practically read my brother’s mind, and most of his thoughts about this woman were filthy, just like mine.

Hopefully, it didn’t come across that way to her; she seemed to have a good time with us, and I didn’t want her to think we were creeps. Because we weren’t, but we loved sex; we couldn’t help that, and it wasn’t a crime.

We’d all enjoyed each other’s company, and that changed the dynamics as the afternoon turned into evening.

For me, I started off hoping for a one-off session involving her on top of me, riding me to heaven, with those big breasts of hers unleashed and swinging above my face. I like what I like.

That was when I knew nothing about her but her name.

After spending hours with her, everything changed for me.

She’d become someone I enjoyed hanging out with and would like to see again, which was a revelation to me.

I’d hooked up with plenty of women in my life, but I’d never met a woman who interested me in that way.

Of the two of us, Lewis was the romantic one.

I’d tease him about having more than his share of emotions. But truthfully, I’d worried that I might be broken and I’d be left alone when my brother and all my friends were married. I’d be the only single dude among our circle of friends. And I’d have to choose between a stack of invitations for Thanksgiving and Christmas, knowing they all felt sorry for me being alone during the holidays.

It’s not that I didn’t like women: of course, I did—a lot. But I’d not met anyone I wanted to settle down with and spend that much time with.

I wasn’t going to just settle with some woman who was good enough. She had to rock my world. She had to make me laugh.

Now, Kayla invited us up to her apartment in a move that I would usually expect to mean one thing, and I almost didn’t want to go.

My dick was way ahead of me, enthusiastically dragging me towards the idea. But I wondered about slowing down and asking the girl on another date: a proper date.

Lewis had no such qualms and left me with no choice but to follow things through to the almost inevitable conclusion.

We were about to find out whether Kayla would be up for a threesome.

We passed through a locked ground-floor doorway to find a flight of stairs ahead of us, but before Kayla could lead the way up, Lewis put his hand in front of her.

“There’s no easy way to say this, Kay, but I want to be upfront about things with you.”

She looked at him, glanced at me when he didn’t instantly continue, and then back at him again.

“You should know, you have an effect on me. I’ve kept it under control all afternoon.”

“What are you talking about?”

I’m sure she knew, but I stepped up closer to let her know this was a conversation between the three of us, not only the two of them. She was in front of me, and our bodies touched. I reached to raise a whisp of hair from her shoulder.

“You’re a wonderful woman,” said Lewis. The way he always got poetic, he’d spin it out, and we’d be standing at the foot of the stairs forever if we left all communication up to him.

“Yeah, you are wonderful, Kay,” I said. “And you’ve been making my cock harden all afternoon.” Because let’s cut to the chase here.

I only had to alter my position slightly for her to feel the evidence of that against her ass.

“Seriously?” she snapped.

I feared we might have overstepped the mark, or I should have left it to Lewis to proceed with the slow, poetic wooing.

But he didn’t say anything. He lowered his face to hers and kissed her.

I braced myself for the fall out of our actions by preparing for a harsh word or a slap. She might throw us out even though we’d technically not even entered her home.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024