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Blind Date (A Why Choose Romance)

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I feared us becoming the spectacle, but trust Lewis to take the wind out of any argument. The interview continued, going back to the actual game, thankfully.

Case closed for now, but this could all blow up again in a second if any photos came to light of the four of us dating the same one girl.

I wondered how the other guys would take it.

I wondered how Kayla would take it.



A girl should be able to travel home alone at night, right?

I stayed at Dad’s bar until late, chatting with him and others. Some of the regulars had known me since back when I was still in school.

It was good to stick around cheerful people who were on a high after the victory, especially as in the back of my mind, the memory of the press conference nagged at me. It confirmed getting mixed up with any one of those guys wasn’t worth it because of the stress of the media circus that followed them.

And as if to confirm that the news was all made up, in Dad’s bar, barely anyone had a word to say about the gay player. Live and let live. Who cares if he’s a good player. It wasn’t newsworthy.

When the bar was emptying out, I made my way home, and I was literally at the external door to my building when a man reached out to me.

His hand didn’t actually touch me, but he waved it to catch my attention. “Hey, miss. Can I have a word?”

Not likely! Do you know what time it is and how dark?

“Miss, it’ll only take a second.”

“Nope. Go away. I have no money.” Warily, I turned towards him with my keys in my hand, holding them that way that all women do. Securely. With all the pointing ends sticking out. Like a weapon to stab in his face if he came too close.

“I just want to ask about your relationship with the Rollins twins and Tyler Reed. It’ll only take a minute.”

“What the hell?” I stared, burning a hole through him with a sudden surge of anger. If only that were possible, but I’d be facing a murder charge, so I guess I don’t really wish I could do that.

“Please, fill me in.”

“None of your business?”

“It’d be good to get your side of the story out there first. Lots of people want to know!”

“It’s none of their business, either. And lots of people like who? Who the hell knows me?” I regretted every word, but he sucked me into the damned conversation.

“They’re public figures, and the twins both spent the night with you—both of them. Hours later, you were kissing Tyler. It’s all caught on camera and time dated.”

“Look, buddy, I’m about to call the police. I’m a lone woman in the dark. You’re a man who won’t leave me alone, and it’s about midnight right now. And it sounds like you’re a stalker.”

“Please, there’s no need, just answer...”

“Oh my fucking god, Creeping Christopher Corker. What the fuck are you doing here?” a man’s voice called out of the dark, before its owner stepped forward. Jake Rollins. At that moment, he looked like the hottest guy on earth. My hero, swooping in to save me. A hero, there to defend my honor.

Then Lewis stepped out of the shadows, soon followed by Ethan and Tyler. My heart raced, and I felt a little giddy at seeing my personal football team-slash-army right there when I needed them.

“Have you considered how horribly creepy you are, Corker? Just for a second?” Ethan asked.

“You’re going to regret it if you don’t start cooperating with me,” Corker threatened. “A story will come out. You might want to make sure it’s your story. I can help with that.”

“Go on. Run off,” Tyler said, “before I get any closer and do something we both regret.”

Lewis stepped in front of Tyler and said, “We’re not cooperating with you. Go on. Go write your lies.”

“Lies, you say? Like you know what I’m going to write? The person with the pen has the real power, I’ll have you know.”

This Corker was brave or foolish. It was hard to judge which as he stood up to the guys.

“Really, man, just fuck off. Please, I’m begging you.” Tyler stood cracking his knuckles. “I don’t want to waste an hour explaining to the police how we found you harassing a woman on her doorstep in the dark late at night. It’s a huge waste of time for all of us.”

That was enough to make him turn tail, and while he didn’t exactly run, he walked very quickly.

“My place?” I said, finally breaking the silence, and I turned back to my door, ready to use the keys for their intended purpose.

The guys followed me up to my tiny apartment without a word, and I wondered how the five of us would fit in any one room at the same time.

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