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Aeromancist (Seven Forbidden Arts 3)

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When the ceremony was over, they walked back to the castle for the lunch that was served in the garden. It was a glorious day, too warm for autumn, and Kat wasn’t sure that Lann had nothing to do with it.

As Joss poured the champagne and Lann handed the glasses around, Clelia cuddled Thomas in her arms. She lifted him and sniffed his diaper.

“I think he needs a change,” she said with a wink at Kat.

Bono stepped forward with the diaper bag slung across his shoulder.

Kat laughed. “You can put that down, you know. It won’t run away.”

Clelia handed Thomas to Maya. “Can you be a honey and do a diaper change? I think Kat needs to enjoy the last few hours with her parents before they leave.”

Maya gave Kat a bewildered look. When Kat shrugged, Maya looked back at Clelia with a plea in her eyes.

“Sorry,” Clelia said, “but I have to help Iza serve the lunch.”

Bono chuckled. “Come on, Maya. I’ll help you.”

Maya turned her nose in the air. “How difficult can it be?”

Cain’s laugh was low as he watched Maya stalk off to the house, holding Thomas out in front of her.

“Do you think she’ll manage?” Kat asked with worry.

“Don’t worry,” Clelia said. “Maya is very capable.”

While her mom and dad were talking to Lann, Cain took Kat aside. “Thank you for what you’ve done for my team. You’re a very brave woman.”

Kat smiled. “I’m afraid I can’t take any credit for being brave. I only tried to survive.”

“And you did a great job. Lann is a lucky man.”

She brushed a strand of hand behind her ear. “I’m a lucky woman.”

“I don’t know how Godfrey knew about Lann’s fertility, or how he found out that you were Lann’s mate, but I promise you I’ll find the answers, if it’s the last thing I do.”

“Godfrey did both Lann and me a favor. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be as happy as I am.” She wouldn’t be alive.

Cain nodded. “A good attitude to have.”


“No trace of him. We didn’t pick up anything on the cameras from the exit.”

She hoped he’d gotten away. He wasn’t a bad person.

“Are you happy to go back to Santiago?” Cain asked.

“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”

“Lann told me you’re going to manage his library.”

“His librarian resigned.”

“It’s good that we’ll have another base. We need one in South America. The kind of life Lann leads, that all of us lead, isn’t always easy, but I know he’ll do great with you by his side. A woman can make all the difference.”

She got the feeling he was talking from experience, but she didn’t want to pry. Did he have someone in his life?

“You do realize Thomas will need a special education?” Cain asked.

“Lann explained that to me. I’ll make sure he’s as good as his daddy.” She winked. “And I hope he’ll have Lann’s accent.”

Cain chuckled. “I’m afraid he may develop a Spanish one.”

“You’re most probably right.”

Maya and Bono came back, Thomas in Bono’s arms.

“Did you manage all right?” Kat asked.

Bono’s shoulders shook with laughter. “Thomas peed on Maya just as she took off his diaper.”

Maya rolled her eyes. “I don’t see how that’s so funny.”

Cain looked amused. “He must know you like water.”

Maya snorted, but a smile split her face. “He smiled at me. He likes me.”

“Babies can’t smile this soon,” Bono said with an air of expertise.

“Well,” Maya said, cocking her shoulder. “He’s not your average baby.”

Lann walked up to Kat and put his arm around her. He bent down to whisper in her ear, “They’re going to spoil him.”

She leaned against him. “They’d better. They’re family. That’s their job.”

He pulled her a short distance from the others and kissed her lips. “Say you’re mine.”

“You know I am.”

“I want to hear it. Every day.”

“I’m yours,” she said, “and I’ll remind you in more than one way.”

He brought their lips together and sealed the promise with another kiss. It seemed appropriate that it was on the shore of the lake where she’d promised to become his wife. The trees changing to glorious browns and reds reflected on the smooth surface of the water. A new season had started. Their new life together had only just begun.

Somewhere on a different part of the planet, a disfigured man approached the embrace of his father with fear.


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