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Jailbait (Souls Chapel Revenants MC 3)

Page 58

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Lynn hummed underneath his breath. “Fucker’s about to die.”

I shook my head.

“Sin,” I said quietly.

Sin’s eyes came to mine, and they were furious. “What?”

“If you kill him before I get there, I’m going to be really damn pissed. This man just beat the shit out of my woman,” I growled.

Sin sighed, long and loud. “Fuck.”

“Plus.” I grinned wickedly. “I don’t think I really want to kill him. Wouldn’t it be more fun to send him to the prison that holds the prisoners he transported and ultimately terrorized?”

Sin’s grin went fucking huge.

“Well, now that you put it that way, I think it would be way more fun to make sure that he visits the one that he does the most transports to,” Sin said. “That way, we could ensure that he has a great stay with a few fellows he made sure to kick at their lowest.”

I nodded once as I rubbed my chest. “I need to get back to Swayze.”

The thought of her not remembering me felt like a hole was eating away in my chest.

Just the thought of walking in there and her not recognizing me was like a shot right to my heart.

“She remembers you,” Zach said.

I glanced up and over to see him walking my way. “I was talking to her after you left. She remembers everything.” He glanced over at the man that Sin was still restraining. “She just didn’t want us to get shot because she felt like that asshole right there would get pissed that she remembered him. She also relayed that this was the man that she heard on the phone. That message on the one we got out from behind the dumpster. The one that Ignacia was supposed to get.”

I whipped my head in Sadler’s direction.

His face had gone pale.

Now that he mentioned it, the voice did sound familiar.

Son of a bitch.

Now, I’d had suspicions that he was dirty. But I hadn’t realized just how dirty.

“I guess it makes sense now,” I said as I looked at the piece of shit. “You transporting inmates to the jail. You transporting young girls into sex trafficking. Transporting. Same line of work. Sort of, right?”

I clapped Lynn on the shoulder. “Please, for the love of all that’s holy, don’t take all the fun away from me. I’d really like to join in.”

Lynn flashed me a grin. “I’ll see what I can do. No promises, though.”

That last comment was directed toward Sadler, who now looked a little unsettled.

Yeah, I’d been on the receiving end of one of those stares when I’d first met him. It was like staring into a black hole and seeing your death in their depths.

Then, without another word, I headed back up to the room that Swayze was occupying.

I found her on her back, leg still in traction in the air, staring at the door as if she was waiting for someone.

The moment that I walked back through, her entire demeanor wilted. “Oh, thank God you came back.”

I flashed her a grin, even though when she started talking, one of the cuts on her lip started to bleed.

I caught up a couple of paper towels off the wall, then walked to her, gently pressing the paper towel to her lips.

She sighed.

“That hurts,” she admitted.

I felt my chest squeeze at the thought of hurting her.

I looked at her right hand which was covered in another cast. The one that I’d been holding yesterday when she’d first rolled in.

The one that I hadn’t known was broken while I was holding it.

This time, the squeeze of my chest nearly took the breath right out of my lungs.

“Did the doctor or nurse explain to you what all is wrong with you?” I asked carefully. “And how long you’ll be in the hospital?”

She grimaced. “The nurse explained I’d be in traction a week. She said that we’d have to make sure that I was turned so I didn’t get bedsores. And let me just tell you, when she turns me, it hurts. Everywhere.”

I sighed, running my finger down the length of her jaw on the right side. That seemed to be the only part of her face that wasn’t affected during the brutal beating she’d received.

“You’re here for a while,” I said. “And then when you’re back at home, you have just as long on bed rest. Though you won’t be in traction.”

She groaned. “That sucks.”

“That is nothing,” I rasped, my hand clenching at my side. “My God, Swayze. You were broken. You had fifteen broken bones. Your right tibia. Your right ulna. Multiple fingers and toes. You also have a broken foot, but that won’t matter all that much since you’ll already be in a cast.”

She sighed. “But I survived.”

I bent down and pressed my lips to that unblemished spot on her chin.

“You survived,” I confirmed.

“Where’s Zach?” she asked, looking over my shoulder for him.

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