Ethan (Face-Off 5) - Page 27

Ethan pins me down with his muscular body, the tip of his cock pressed between my cheeks and teasing my opening. “Is this what you want?”

“Yes,” I mutter, breathless. “More than anything.”

He slides his hand beneath my chin and tilts my head back until our eyes meet. Consumed by the hold he has over my mind and body, I block out the noise from the floor below us, and the ambulance sirens blaring from a distance. I even ignore the jiggling of the front door handle. It’s not until a loud bang followed by Will’s voice that I come out of my Ethan-induced coma.

“Mia, open up.” Will slams his fist into the door once more. “I don’t have a key.”

“Fuck,” Ethan says under his breath. “He was supposed to be gone until morning.”

I stare up at Ethan in horror. “So much for having one night together.”

He looks as if he wants to jump out the window. I wish I could, too. In a hurry, we bend over to retrieve our clothes, balling the material in our hands.

“Go hide in the bathroom,” I tell Ethan. “I’ll deal with Will. Better yet, sleep in my room tonight, and I’ll take the couch. It’s better if Will thinks you’re sleeping already.”

“No, he’ll get suspicious if I sleep in your bed. I’ll take the guest room.”

“Mia, C'mon,” Will shouts. “Open the door, baby sis.”

Ethan steals one last kiss, a quick peck that leaves me wanting more. I have to push him away, so I don’t have the urge to kiss him again. He’s too tempting, intoxicating, an illness that has no cure.

As he walks away from me, I admire his perfect backside and muscles that define every inch of his back and shoulders. My heart beats hard against my chest, the longing and desire still burning my skin.

Damn you, Will.

With my eyes on Ethan, I allow myself one last look as I slip my skirt over my hips and slide my panties up my thighs. I skip the bra, hiding it in one of the cabinets, and throw my shirt over my head on my way to the door. I give myself a once over in the mirror on the wall and smooth a hand down the front of my shirt and skirt. This is as good as it’s going to get.

The second I unlatch the lock, Will stumbles inside, reeking of sex and alcohol. Or maybe I’m the one who smells of sex. It’s hard to tell.

“About damn time,” Will hisses as he steps inside. “I was about to get an Uber.”

I lock the door and spin around to watch him stagger into the living room. “Where would you have gone? Your apartment is trashed.”

With his back to me, he shrugs. “A hotel. What difference does it make?”

“I thought you were staying with those girls.”

“Nah. They’re boring.” Before he hits the couch, he changes his course of direction. “I’m hungry. Got any leftovers from dinner?”

I follow behind Will and into the kitchen. He opens the fridge and peeks inside. The light casts a shadow in the darkness, drawing my attention to the condom wrapper Ethan left on the countertop.


In full-on stealth mode, I slide the foil package off the counter. Will removes an extra plate of veal parmesan and spaghetti from the top shelf in the fridge, too busy contemplating his next meal to notice. Or so I think.

He narrows his eyes at me. “What are you doing? You’re acting weird.”


Will tilts his head to the side. “What’s in your hand?”

Fuck. How do I explain this? Oh, it’s no big deal, Will. I open condoms all the time for no reason. No, I don’t think so.

I tuck the condom into the back of my skirt and hold up my hands. “I told you. Nothing.”

“Meh.” He offers me the plate of food. “Want some? There’s enough for both of us.”

Dodged that bullet.

Tags: Jillian Quinn Face-Off Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024