Defending Donovan (Face-Off Legacy/Campus Kings 6) - Page 17

“Drake.” I push his hand away from my face. “This is not happening.”

He grips the steering wheel with both hands and grunts. “Why the hell not? I know you want me.”

I laugh at his comment. How presumptuous of him to think he has a shot with me just because he’s giving me a ride home.

“Well, for starters, you’ve had sex with every girl on campus.” His face twists in disgust at my words. “Your fragile ego clearly can’t handle a hit, so I can only imagine how you react when you don’t get your way over something more important than sex. You’re like a giant spoiled brat who’s never heard the word ‘no,’ and you use your sexuality as a way to control women. News flash, buddy, I’m not some puck bunny who’s gonna chase after you, and I’m not impressed by your dick.”

More like I’m terrified of it.

A long beat passes between us, his expression unreadable as he navigates the dark road that leads toward the Strickland University campus.

He clears his throat, still unable to meet my gaze. “You think you have me all figured out, don’t you? Well, news flash, buddy…” he says to throw my words back in my face “… you don’t know me for shit. So, don’t act like you do.”

“Please, enlighten me then.” I throw my arm out at him. “Tell me why you show your dick to every girl on campus. I mean, seriously, Drake, are there even any girls left that you haven’t hooked up with?”

“Name one girl I’ve had sex with,” he challenges, and I’m not sure where he’s going with this.

“Jackie, I assume. Since you were sending her pics last week.”

He shakes his head. “Nope, never even touched her. I have standards.”

“You’re not exactly changing my mind here. If anything, you only sound more of a jerk than before.”

“I haven’t had sex with any of the girls on campus.”

“Any?” I narrow my eyes at him. “Okay, now I know you’re lying.”

“I’m not. Just because I send girls pics doesn’t mean I fuck them.”

“Isn’t that the point?”

He nods. “You would think.”

“Then, why do you do it?”

He parks out front of my dormitory. “Because I like the attention.”

“Really?” I cross my arms over my chest, and his eyes land on my breasts. “You do it for the attention? I’m not buying it.”

“Not many guys’ dicks are as big as mine. I didn’t set out to show it to every girl on campus, but one girl told a friend, and then it kinda started this whole thing.”

I shift in my seat, my hand resting on the door handle, contemplating my last question. “When was the last time you had sex?”

He peels his eyes away from mine and sighs, running a hand through his dark hair to push it off his forehead. “I don’t want to talk about this.”

“Please don’t tell me it was before you came to the club tonight.”

He shakes his head, nostrils flared. “Would you stop, Taylor? Fuck! I don’t want to have this conversation with you.”

“Why not? You seem to be so open with every other girl. What makes me any different?”

“Because I like you. And if I tell you…”

A chill rolls down my arms from the intense look in his eyes that are darker now, narrowed into slits. He’s so intimidating when he’s angry, his muscular arms and thick frame filling the space around me.

“Tell me what?”

“The truth,” he whispers, unable to look at me.

The seriousness in his tone causes my stomach to clench.

The truth about what?

What’s Drake hiding?

He’s kind of freaking me out right now with how fast his demeanor has shifted. All hard lines and perfect edges, his face and body are sculpted like a Greek god. For someone who looks so perfect on the outside, I can tell he’s hurting on the inside. And I have no idea why.

Instinctively, I reach over to brush my thumb along the dark stubble on his angular jaw. I don’t know why I’m touching him, but something inside me is pushing me to make contact. My skin tingles with each brush of his skin, the sensation going straight to my core. I press my legs together hating how quickly my stupid body responds to him.

I drag my finger along his bottom lip. “What are you hiding, Drake?”

He sticks his tongue out to make contact with me, and a wave of heat dances along my skin when our eyes meet. “Please, Taylor. Stop pushing it.” Drake clutches my wrist with two fingers, holding my hand in place. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“I don’t understand. You say you like me, but yet, you’re less open with me than other girls on campus. You didn’t even know Jackie’s name.”

With an irritated grunt, he drops my hand and starts to unbutton his jeans.

Tags: Jillian Quinn Face-Off Legacy/Campus Kings Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024