Defending Donovan (Face-Off Legacy/Campus Kings 6) - Page 43

“We can eat in the cafeteria,” I offer. “It will be like old times at the chow hall.”

I saw a sign on the wall that they’re serving turkey dinner for the staff and for any hospital guests who have the misfortune of spending the day here. No matter the circumstances, my family always makes it work.

Dad flashes a real smile for once.

After we eat dinner in Shaun’s hospital room, we stay until visiting hours are over. The doctor wants to keep him overnight for observation.

When we arrive back at the rental, I go straight for the kitchen. Drake’s texted me at least a dozen times. So, I send him a quick text.

Taylor: Sorry, spent Thanksgiving in the hospital. I’m okay. I’ll explain later. I hope your holiday was better than mine.

Drake calls me within seconds of receiving the message. His tone is filled with worry, but he settles down once I tell him the story. I rest my head on a stack of pillows as we rehash the details of our days. I’m so exhausted, yet comfortable with Drake, that after ten minutes, I end up falling asleep with him still on the line.

Jackie elbows me in the side knocking me off balance. My sneakers slide along the court, and I almost lose possession of the ball because of it. We’re on the same damn scrimmage team. What the fuck is she doing?

Giving Jackie a wicked look, I pass the ball back to Bex. She’s the top shooting guard in the league, with far better ball handling skills than anyone on our team. I don’t know why Jackie’s been pushing me around since we got back from the break. This isn’t the first time she’s elbowed me on purpose and then flashed a cocky smirk in response to my anger.

Bex dribbles the ball, sweeping it between her legs as she looks for the open player. Dodging the girl guarding me, I pivot my foot, my hands in front of me to intercept the ball. With a quick dribble and roll to my right, I slip past my opponent about to make the layup when someone kicks their foot out in front of me.

I fall flat on my face, my chin hitting the court hard. An intense pain shoots through my skull, forcing my eyes shut. The ball rolls beneath the basket and hits the padded wall in the gymnasium. I blink a few times to regain my vision, and then Bex is standing above me calling my name.

She holds out her hand, which I gladly accept. When I rise to my feet, I have trouble standing. Clutching her shoulder, I suck in a deep breath, wondering what just happened.

“I think someone tripped me,” I say.

She grits her teeth. “It was Jackie.”

“What is wrong with her?”

“It’s because of Drake. Apparently, she’s been telling everyone on the team that you’re his new whore and that he sees her on the side.”

“Are you kidding me?”

She shakes her head, helping me over to the bench. “I overheard her talking to Crystal and Dawn.”

Still somewhat delirious, I can’t even think straight. Bex’s words don’t make any sense. Why would Jackie do this to me? I didn’t do anything to her. Not unless you count dating Drake. But he was fair game, never hers to claim. I knew dating Drake would put a target on my back. Though, I never expected my own teammates to hold grudges.

After practice, we hit the showers. I’m exhausted from jet lag, my schedule is still out of whack even after a week back on campus. The three-hour time difference hits me every time.

I approach Jackie’s locker, her face blocked by the metal. She’s gripping the edge of the locker, so I take this as an opportunity to pay her back for the shit she pulled on the court. Pushing on the door, I slam her fingers against the wall. She cries out in pain, stumbling backward as she grabs her hand.

Her eyes meet mine, and a fire brews behind them. “You fucking whore,” she spits.

I laugh in her face. “I know you tripped me because you’re jealous that I’m with Drake. News flash, Jackie, he’s mine. So, cut the shit already.”

She snorts, a guttural laugh escaping her chapped lips. “He was with me before the break. Maybe you should ask your boyfriend where his loyalty lies.”

Intense emotions bubble up inside me, the rage monster wanting to take over. My dad taught me martial arts as a kid to help curb my anger issues. I was bullied for the few years we lived in Texas, and after I finally confessed the truth, my dad not only got the girl’s father transferred to another duty station but also taught me how to defend myself.

Memories of my past come flooding to me, crashing over me like breaking waves. My entire body trembles as I stare at Jackie. Luckily for Jackie, Bex is at my side, tugging me back over to my locker.

Tags: Jillian Quinn Face-Off Legacy/Campus Kings Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024