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First Comes Loathe (Blue Collar Bensons 1)

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“No, uh, that was my fault. I’m so sorry,” Michaela said, as she opened and closed her fist. “It’s been a really long few days—months really,” she muttered. “I’m off my game.”

“Seriously.” Ronnie said as she slid an arm around Michaela’s shoulders then guided her new BFF to the bench swing that hung on their porch. Scowling in his direction, she opened the cookies then set them on the wicker table. “It’s Keith’s fault. Trust me. He’s like an untrained dog.”

He folded his arms across his chest and raised an eyebrow at his sister. “I’m standing right here.”

Ronnie gave him a sugary smile. “I know. What I don’t know is why because I told you to go.”

Her voice dripped with sweetness, but he knew better than to fall for that garbage. The moment he or any of his brothers let their guard down around Ronnie was when she struck. They’d all had their balls nailed enough by their loving little sister to have that lesson drilled into them.

Turning back to Michaela, Ronnie said, “Here, have a cookie.”

“Thanks.” Michaela grabbed one with her left hand. The one he’d shaken rested on her lap, still balled in a loose fist as though she didn’t want to use it.


Keith rubbed his chin. Damn, his beard had grown more than he realized. When the hell had he trimmed it last? He glanced at Michaela to find her studying him. The moment their gazes met, she averted hers.

Suddenly he was hit with the insane desire to rub his beard along her smooth cheek. Would she like it? He sure as fuck would. Maybe she’d like it brushing across other parts of her body as well.

What the hell was he thinking?

Didn’t matter. What mattered was that Michaela was not from his world and he had no intention of getting close to her.

Last thing he needed or wanted was some rich priss sniffing his way. He’d been there and had the internal scars to prove it only ended in disaster.

He watched as she lifted the cookie to her plump lips, parted them, and took a bite.

“Oh, my God,” she, eyes rolling upward. “This is so good. Oops!” she said with a giggle as a crumb fell from her mouth. The laugh turned into a moan that was practically obscene. Her tongue peeked out, swiping a dot of chocolate from her lower lip, and fucking hell, Keith’s cock jerked.

Prissy woman like her probably shuddered at the idea of giving head. Hell, she probably couldn’t fathom getting on her knees on the ground. Though, damn, she’d look hot down there, big eyes canted up his way, pupils blown, mouth stuffed full of his cock—

Jesus, he needed to get the fuck outta here before his dick got any harder and he sent the woman running in horror.

But first, he reached out toward the tub of cookies. Those babies were damn good. Nothing like a little sugar with his coffee to get his motor revving.

Ronnie smacked his hand so fast she might as well have cracked him with a whip. “Fuck! Ouch! Damnit!” he yelled, yanking his hand back as Ronnie went to slap it a second time. “Jesus, woman, what the hell?” He glowered at her smirk.

“Sorry, Keith. The cookies are for the boys who are nice,” she said with an evil glint in her gaze.

Fucking sisters. “Cut the shit, Ronnie.” He reached for the tub again only to have it snatched out of reach before he could snag a cookie. “Seriously?”

Michaela watched them with wide eyes as though she’d never seen siblings needle each other before.

Ronnie smiled at him from her seat on the swing with the cookies protectively hugged to her chest. “Weren’t you leaving?” she asked, back to false sweetness though her eyes shot fire.

Fuck, she was pissed, and he’d be paying for it later.

With a grunt, he turned from them. Fuck it, he’d just dump a half cup of sugar in his next cup of coffee.

“Sorry, I’d say he’s not normally such a neanderthal, but I’d be lying,” Ronnie whispered as he stepped into the house.

Both women dissolved into a fit of giggles as though they weren’t twenty-six and…however old Michaela was. Probably around the same as Ronnie.

Keith’s lips twitched even as he tried to keep the scowl in place. But then Michaela’s collided with his once again and her laughter dried up.

Fucking rich women.

Damn, he couldn’t stand them. He’d dated one once. Back in his last year of high school. She’d been with another guy since they were freshmen, but they broke up at the start of senior year, or so he’d been told. Her name was Della and, man, he’d had a thing for her since the first time his dick began noticing females. When she expressed interest in him, he’d jumped on the chance to be with him faster than Ronnie had just slapped his hand. For three months they’d been inseparable despite the extreme differences in their social status. Her family lived in a fucking mansion at the base of the mountain and his in a double wide near the dump.

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