First Comes Loathe (Blue Collar Bensons 1) - Page 43

Mickie’s mouth dropped open. This bunch was nuts. “That didn’t really happen.”

Shrugging, Jagger said, “What can I say? I was fourteen, and he’d been a dick to me. Figured if he was gonna be a dick, I’d go after his dick.”

“You guys are insane.”

“Be glad you’re an only child, Mickie. Seriously,” Ronnie said. “I’d have paid money to get rid of these guys when I was younger.” The words were spoken with humor and so much affection, it was obvious that Ronnie wouldn’t trade her brothers for the world. Even if they still made her bonkers.

“Speaking of,” JP broke in. “Where the fuck is Keith? Why’s he missing this walk down memory lane?”

“Think he’s working on his bike,” Jagger said. “Told me he wouldn’t be back until late.”

“Maybe he’s finally gonna go out and get laid.” Ronnie stabbed the last bite of her pie. “Lord knows he needs it.”

For some absolutely ridiculous reason, Mickie’s face heated. Why? Who knew? It wasn’t like anything, anything had happened yesterday between them beyond the agreement not to hate each other. So why the hell was she feeling all under the microscope?

“You guys think he’s still mad at us for ambushing him yesterday?” JP asked. As he tipped his chair back on its hind legs, he unbuttoned the top of his jeans.

“Uh, we have company, you pig. Maybe you could keep your pants buttoned for a little longer?” Jagger said, rolling his eyes.

“What?” JP looked at her. “I’m fucking stuffed. My pants are pushing on my stomach. It’s not like I’m getting naked. That won’t happen until later.” He winked. “Mickie doesn’t mind. You don’t mind, do you, Mickie?”

With a laugh, she raised her hands. “Knock yourself out. If I wasn’t a guest, I’d probably do the same. This food was incredible.”

Everyone laughed and resumed ribbing each other. The topic of Keith fell by the wayside though Mickie couldn’t keep from thinking of him every few minutes. Was her presence the reason for his absence? Or was she selfish in thinking he gave enough of a shit about her to alter his own plans? Though, admittedly after the time the spent baking, she’d been hoping he’d be there for dinner. And what had gone down with his siblings that might have angered him enough to avoid a family dinner?

None of it was any of her business, but she couldn’t keep her curiosity at bay.

For the next forty-five minutes, they talked, laughed, and sipped their drinks. None of them had so much as blinked when she’d declined the margaritas and mentioned her recovery. By the time they all rose to carry their plates into the kitchen—something Mickie insisted on doing despite all their protests—she felt they’d crossed the line from causal neighbors to friends.

But what about with Keith? She had to admit the desire to spend time with him again was front and center in her mind. They’d had fun yesterday just as she’d had tonight, though with an undercurrent of something a little more intimate.

It made her giddy.

And a little bit braver than usual.

“You know,” she said as Ronnie pressed the top onto a Tupperware she’d filled for her brother. “I’m about to run to the grocery store. Want me to drop that off at the garage for Keith?”

“Oh, God, no, that’s totally not necessary.” Ronnie shook her head as she opened the fridge. “Keith will be fine to wait until he gets home.”

“Actually…” Jagger swiped the container from his sister. “That’s a great idea. Pretty sure he skipped lunch today, too, so he’s probably starved. He gets like that when he’s working on his bike.”

“His bike?”

“Yeah, he’s building a motorcycle from scratch. A passion project.”

Man, it’d been a while since she’d been on a motorcycle, but she’d loved every second of it. A while back, she’d had a brief fling with a popular rocker. The relationship had crashed and burned in a public and unflattering way, but it’d been fun while it lasted. And he’d had a bike they took for drives up the Pacific coast on more than one occasion. Incredible experience.

Maybe Keith would take her on a ride sometime when he’d finished the work. She could nestle in behind him with her legs hugged against his muscular thighs.


Mickie tugged at the collar of her shirt. Had Ronnie left the oven on or something? The kitchen felt super warm.

“Well, if you don’t mind the trip, then have at it. You’re a nicer person than I am,” Ronnie said with a chuckle.

“Most people are.” Jagger ruffled his sister’s hair as if she were six instead of twenty-six. She shrieked and swatted him away.

“See what I have to put up with living here?” Ronnie said as she swatted her brother’s hand away. “You looking for a roommate, Mickie?”

“Ha, my place is about to be a construction zone, so you may want to think twice about moving in. But whenever you need a break from all the testosterone, just pop over. You can crash anytime.”

Tags: Lilly Atlas Blue Collar Bensons Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024